Saturday, April 11, 2009

What is it about gossip?
What is it that pulls me into it's dark and guilt-ridden little darkness and shows me all the juicy, enticing details that are non of my business never mind mine to judge?
What is it about a gathering of 2 or more people that promotes the discussion of other people?
It often starts completely harmlessly. But I so often find myself in a position of guilt and self-loathing.
I often find myself dialing up someone I had a conversation with the day before to "clarify" or "caveat" or just outright explain.

I don't want to judge people.
I don't want to talk about people who aren't there.

But where do you draw the line? Are we supposed to just pretend stuff doesn't happen? What defines "discussion" as opposed to "gossip"?
It the answer is "intention" then I can tell you the bit about the path to hell and the way they pave it...

I am at the mall with my kids. I run into another mom that I know, with her kids. I leave there knowing about a different mom and her prescription pill habit and subsequent alienation. Yikes!

I am at a neighbor's house. I find myself with a small circle of neighbors talking. I learn about a different neighbor's kid's jail sentence and a different one's kid's personality disorders.

In both of those situations, I didn't know enough to begin with to have been the one to ask about the subjects I learned about. But when they were telling me, I didn't say "oh, it's not nice to talk about people who aren't here to join the conversation."
I said "wow, that's really something... then what?!"

And how do you handle the manipulative gossip?
I find myself getting tricked into saying things or giving away things with my facial or bodily expressions because I am a very bad liar. I can't lie and often try the "I really can't say" route but I am an open-freaking-book, in case you hadn't noticed!

Or sometimes I will say something and only after the conversation will I think "oh shit, was that a secret? at best, it wasn't my story to share. shit." And that is usually followed by a phone call to whomever I feel like I just betrayed or whatever - explaining, step by step, how the conversation went and how the intention was and the mood of the talk etc etc etc...

My personality is such that people are drawn to tell me things.
And I love to listen.
I love hearing all about it, love the juicy, personal details. And I don't tell other people their secrets. Usually. I try really hard not to tell anyone anything. And I have gotten much better about it as I have gotten older.
But people keep telling me.

And I love talking about people.
I love sharing thoughts and opinions and theories about people I care about with people I care about. Or I like to get other people's objective viewpoints even if they may not know the person. For example, I may discuss my family with some close friends that don't know them, or some close friends with my family.

Is that gossip?
Or is that me, discussing my life and the various people that make it up?

I find that I can usually tell if it was "gossip" or not by the emotional hangover or lack-there-of. If I feel uncomfortable afterward, I know I was out of line.
And, like I said, I have gotten better at not discussing but mostly listening, especially in situations like the 2 examples I used. I nod a lot, I take it in.
Then I tell Jay, because I am bursting to tell someone but I know it's not my story.


Stacie1980 said...

Funny you should post about this very topic; it's something I've been pondering over myself. My circle is incredibly small but I am the "go to gal" for advice, an ear...what have you. I look at it as both a blessing and, at times, a curse. : )

Where is "the line" you ask? When I think of traditional "gossip" what immediately comes to mind is talking about someone who you don't really "care" about. Sounds harsh, I know. But really, when you truly care about a person and they're going through a difficult time you tend to empathize, or sympathize with them. Gossip on the other hand is in a way a form of "entertainment". Damn that sounds catty, but true nonetheless.

Let's face it...we all gossip to some degree. I think it's human nature. It becomes a problem when said gossip could hurt the ones we love. That's where I draw the line.

Anonymous said...

Read it - and smiled. Got a call "telling" this kind of information. I replied: I don't the details. End of topic.
So glad I stopped in today.

- joanne

Kim said...

Stacie, I think you've nailed it. I think when it's done for entertainment, the line has been crossed.

I think it's inevitable to talk about people in your life with other people in your life. Whether it's done to vent, or to see if others see things the same way you do, or hear a different perspective - to me, those are all OK.

Liz, you and I have had this conversation before. =) I know just what you mean about that "emotional hangover", but I think the fact that we recognize it and feel that way says a whole lot about our intentions.

Unknown said...

I agree with you, Stacie & Kimmie - Thank you for helping me sort that out.
Joanne - your high horse is both what I love and despise about you. xo

Anonymous said...

In our family the high horse position is either breeding or earned. My mother has the high horse attidtude because her British ways do not bend - she is so damn proper. To this day I have never heard my mother swear. My high horse ways, still in progress, have come through hard work, making me so much like my father. My big mouth has repaid me kindly over and over these past few years with friends who love me no matter what...comments have bitten me in the ass so hard so many times, that I'm quieter. You should see my ass though, the painfully embarrasing teeth marks are huge. I might be up on a horse, but I sure the hell can't sit down!!


Allison said...

Okay, okay, enough about gossiping, where the heck are the pics of your's and Wyatt's new haircuts? You've been building the suspense for so long that we are dyin' ovah heyah!

Stacie1980 said...

That's what I'm talkin' about...we want pictures! : )

Anonymous said...

Yes, I third those comments... and pictures of NY in the springtime?

Unknown said...

I am waiting for the hubby to upload the pics.
I fear I have no good ones of me, since I took the pictures all day - but I will do my best.

Gini said...

Read this post a couple days ago and just now getting around to commenting...Kimmy and I were talking about it and I first want to say - I love this post. I love that you just put yourself out there. I love that you say what we are thinking a just don't say, or don't have the courage to say. So good job. Great "get ya' thinking" post!!!

So gossiping - we all do it. Period. My stance is - if I am gossiping/talking about/discussing someone - whatever comes out of my mouth better be something that I would say directly to that person without hesitation. I do not and will not say something that I could not say right to that person if confronted.

I DO NOT like being "set up" by someone else to say something that can be turned against me. I will not ever put myself in that position, no matter what.

And more often than not, isn't gossip "the truth" in your own eyes? Or better yet, your own perception of the truth? What you think or feel about someone or something?

I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it is not done as intentional harm or in front of (my) children.