Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I know, I know - I'm late.

Also, let me add - I really hate the whole Disco thing.

Last bit - did you notice how thin and see-thru Simon's shirt was? That was not well thought out at all, Wardobe.

Here we go:

Creepy red haired girl -
Act your age. I prefer my 16 year olds cute & happy like Miley Cyrus or Debbie Gibson. This girl is a freak of nature. I can't stand that people are swooning for this young girl who acts like something that she has absolutely no understanding of.

Kris Allen -
What a totally random and totally awesome choice of song. He really did a cool rendition of a very good song. I'm like a broken record here, so forgive me: He's a good singer, he's cute, he's enjoyable... but he still "ain't it".

Little – Seriously? A Whitney Houston song? She is so bad, she sucks so much, she annoys me to no end. Did I mention that she looked like an overdone, washed up porn star?

Adam Lambert –
This guy can really do no wrong. The only issue I have with him is the way he is running away with it. Run. ning. A. way. With. It. It makes me feel badly for guys like Anoop and Chris. He is A-mazing. Moving. Gifted. And he truly gets better each week.

Danny –
I like this guy a lot. He has a nice style, a lovely voice and is very likable. I fear for his position in the final 2 because people really like Allison (CRHG) so I think he needs to take a daring leap next week or he might come in third.

Anooooooop –
He's the only reason that Matt MIGHT not get voted off this week. He is a good singer, he's just boring.

Cyclops – What must it feel like to be Matt this week? America already voted him off. The people who watch this show and care enough to vote chose to RELEASE the Cyclops. And with good reason. And while I am not a fan of Justin Timberlake, never was, I respect him and I am offended on behalf of him for the way his style was so poorly ripped off.

My Bottom Three:
Little (SEE YA!)
Matt (Buh-Bye!)
Anoop (He'll go next week, sadly.)


Stacie1980 said...

You know I've been waiting for this, right?? : ) I look forward to this almost as much as Adam.

So I voted last night...10 times...for Adam. I've only ever voted for one other contestant and that was Bo Bice.

I hear ya on almost feeling bad for the other contestants...he's far and away the best...EVER. Randy seems to think I have a crush on him...which I totally don't. I can just appreciate a true artistic genius when I see one. : )

Agreed on the bottom 3. Cyclops will be leaving as well as Little.

FranklinRoseInVelt said...

Okay so now that we are "competing" on the blog--sphere of Idol reviewing. I have to say, you have some things right, and SO many things wrong.

Right- The bottom three, and THANK GOD goodbye to Lil and Matt (or Cyclops). Anoop did suck last night, but he has been bringing it the last couple of weeks.

1. Adam is not good. I am sorry. He sings songs and does the same song rotations: really quiet songs and then ruins classic songs. I am honestly do not get how people like him. AND he is a sell-out. If he came out for disco week in drag, like he wears off the show, I would want him to win. He is a sellout and more overrated than anything ever mentioned.

2. Danny is the male Lil. I'm sorry. He does have good voice (just like Lil), but he sings karaoke songs (just like Lil), never changes the song arrangement (just like Lil), and thinks he is the greatest singer in the competition (just like Lil). The only difference is that somehow no one notices that they are exactly the same. Maybe because he is white. Who knows.

3. Top 3 are Kris, Allison, and (dreadfully) Danny. I wish they could vote off 5 people this week instead of two so I wouldn't have to sit through Adam, Danny, and Matt just to see Kris and Allison.

Unknown said...

Well, Vin - I wouldn't call it "competing" so much as "copying", but I'll humor you since you are so passionate in your hate. :)

Vincent's Blog is on my page, in case anyone is interested - it's "The Trek".

Allison said...

Okay, I totally need to weigh in here. Vinny, you have got it SO.WRONG. Adam is going to win, and if I am wrong, I will eat my laptop.

FranklinRoseInVelt said...

I would like to see this laptop eating in person. I won't even know if Adam wins because I won't watch American Idol anymore. The fact that only 2/5 are any good, why waste an hour? Watch "The Biggest Loser," much better television. And the best part, Gokey and Adam aren't on it!!!

Unknown said...

I want to get into the Biggest Loser - but I really hate Allison Sweeney. I used to watch Days (of our Lives) religiously and hates Sammy. Now I hate the actress.
Maybe I should watch it. But would seeing people that are SO MUCH fatter than me make me feel skinny and therefore like I CAN eat more!?!? LOL

Allison said...

If Adam loses I'll get Skype and everyone can see me eat my laptop!!! LOL

Gini said...

OK Liz - does the creepy red haired girl wear a retainer? - cause it's bugging me...other than that - you are right on the money and you know how I feel. And stop saying that about the thing on Matt's face cause I can't stop focusing on it now........

Stacie1980 said...

Gini...I'm pretty sure "creepy red-haired girl" has clear braces or something. And yeah...Matt's dome is totally distracting me too. LOL

I totally respect differing opinions; but for reals? You really think Adam is THAT bad? Everything else aside...you have to admit that the boy can sing! : )

Unknown said...

"for reals" - lol - a little bit of Charlea stays with all of us. :)

CYCLOPS!! You were all thinking it before I said it out loud. That guy is the biggest POSER - WANNA-Be EVER.

FranklinRoseInVelt said...

I will bring back the word "poser" to describe cyclops. Yesterday when Gina and I were driving in the car, the Coldplay song he sang, "Viva la Vida" came on the radio and Gina and I both said "I can't listen to this song anymore, he ruined it for me."

And Matt is one of Gina's favorites!