This post is dedicated to my boy's mop-top.

You see, tomorrow morning, at 8:30 am, Sharp, he will be sitting for his very first haircut ever.

We all love the curls. We all love the mop-top. We all wondered how long it would get and how often we would smile and say "thank you" to the "she's so pretty" compliments.

But when you keep in mind that this kid eats with his hands, plays with dirt & bugs, climbs, falls and basically gets and stays dirty his every waking moment...

...the mop-top can be a bit much. It collects food, dirt, snot and bugs.
Plus, it's starting to cover up his "pretty" face and
if I trim his bangs again, he will look like Billy Ray Cyrus.
(I would say "circa 1995" but I'm fairly certain the guy's still sportin' the mullet.)

So, farewell, crazy hair.
I cannot wait to see my little man-boy with his perfect little man-haircut!!
Awww Liz...he is absolutely gorgeous! I love the "mop top" too; but the "little man" cut is adorable. William went a good 2 years before his first cut...he had beautiful little curls too...and was often mistaken for a girl. : )
I can't wait to see pictures! Good luck tomorrow!
He's absolutely beautiful. He's gonna look so stinkin' handsome (but sadly also so grown up!) with his hair cut. I can't wait to see it!
Don't you just hate that first haircut? I gave Hannah her first - cut all her damn curls off in the process.....they just never came back.....dammit!
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