Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We went to the beach today. I live in New England and today is April 28th. But we went to the beach today. And the kids went in the water! And I have a sunburn!
Then, when we got home, the kids went in the little turtle pool.
And after that, we went to a neighbor's house and they went in the sprinkler.
Actually, Abby went under the sprinkler, Wyatt got sprinkled once or twice, furrowed his brow and muttered "oh no".

I cannot wait to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Cannot Wait! (I am also pretty excited about the new Fox show, "Glee"!)

People who smoke gross me out. More than that, people who smoke in their car and then throw their butts out the car window should be fined. Fined for more than littering with that butt; fined for just being so disrespectful, so disgusting and such a poor, poor example to our children. It is really so disgusting.

Anyway - it's Idol night.
I hate Jamie Foxx. What an arrogant mf-er.
Here we go:

Creepy red haired girl - I watched last week's Idol on DVR and Abby watched with me. She said, and I am not lying, "mommy, that one with the pink hair is freaky". I said, "yes, she is, babe. I agree." But, I did like her performance tonight, I really love that song,
she may be in the Final 3. But she won't win.

Kris Allen - I can't put my finger on who this kid looks like.
I think it's someone in my life but I can't place him. Maybe it's the guy who does our gutters. Too bad that guy is coming while we're away
(and doing our windows, in & out, too!).

Anyway - he was good.
He's sort of boring to report on because he is always good,
he's always cute, he never blows me away.

Adam Lambert – Clearly, someone is dressing this kid.
Unfortunately, he doesn't always seem very comfortable in what
they put him in. Is he so oddly shapen?
He seems to have really big legs and small arms.
Anyway - yes, of course I loved his performance.
W.O.W. He is a stand-out winner.

Danny – I really, really liked his jazzy, soul-y rendition of this very wonderful song. Loved it, loved it, loved it.
I have always loved ths song, used to sing it to my baby, tiny, infant girl... I love the way he took a sweet, romantic lullabye and made it so fun and hot.

Cyclops – Thank goodness for the Rat Pack, huh? Otherwise, what excuse would he have had for that hat!? And that hat saved us from his little buddy giving us the evil eye the whole performance.
I thought he sucked. Seriously - he was pitchy, he was weird-looking, his lip curved ina weird way but overall - he was just weird. He's gotta go .

How many go home next week? I'm not sure but I will put this out there now - the final three will be:
Danny, Adam and the Chick.


Kim said...

Can't believe you guys hit the beach today! Jealous!!

I agree on the smoking thing. I just out a book from the library that I've been dying to read and waited 'til they could get in a copy from another library, and it friggin' smells like smoke. So nasty.

FranklinRoseInVelt said...

I was really hoping to see someone eat a laptop!! I really wanted Adam to go home, but not more than "third eye blind"