We need to buy a new grill. We wanted a new one, anyway, the burners were not functioning properly and the grates were burnt or worn out or whatever. I don't know, but Jay said we need a new one. Then, this winter, a small field mouse family took up residence. Jay was willing and able to evict the little guys but Abby & I pleaded for their lives so they stayed. Now - we reeeallllly need a new grill. No amount of scraping and fire is going to make me NOT taste mouse poop with each burger this summer. So - we're buying a new grill. Soon. I can't wait. But...
I'll miss cooking over the coals in the front yard. If you've been to our house then you know that the back yard is a slant, all downhill, no flat area. The front has a flat area before it slopes, also. Our gas grill (with the mouse family) resides on the deck, which is off the kitchen, in the back. But when you cook with charcoal, the open flame is a bit much for the second-story wooden deck. Why do we have a charcoal grill, you ask? Because we found the mouse family about an hour before we needed to use the grill for a dinner party (yes, we grill all year long, just not as consistently in the sub-zero temps). Jay jumped to the rescue and headed out to buy a grill. What can you buy quickly and easily and cheap-ly? Charcoal. Anyway - the charcoal grill is in the patio/walkway area out front. We have spent many an hour out there this week. The weather has been gorgeous and the coals have been fiery. Nothing smells better and nothing tastes better than beef on charcoal fire.
Our lawn guy still hasn't come. Every Spring and every Fall, I wait. Patiently. Impatiently. Bitchily and Crazily - I stare out my window and up my driveway, waiting to see him making his way down, blowing, mowing and raking his way down the hill to do the yard. Everything waits on his arrival. I can't mulch, I can't plant, I can barely trim and prune - I need winter to be cleaned off the yard first. And when I tell you that this guy (who's in-laws live across the street, does a great job when he does get here and charges next to nothing) has done every other house on my street already- I am not kidding. It's almost funny, if it weren't so frustrating. I have seen him do my neighbors house directly next to us, and at least a half dozen other houses right around us.
I need to order mulch for delivery. Nothing makes me happier than a fresh layer of mulch on a perfectly planted garden or a neatly trimmed border. Is there a more cleaning feeling than that? We figure we need at least 12 yards to start. Then we'll need topsoil the, probably, more mulch. I love spring.
It's been too hot for April. I love hot... in the summer. Because in the summer I can shower in the morning, sweat all day, hop in the pool periodically to cool off and then jump in my pool in the evening, after bed time, maybe with a cold glass of Crystal Light and relax with my husband. When it's this hot in April, all I can do it bitch about it and keep showering.

My daughter is perfect. Except that she has taken to talking back to me. When you consider that she's only 3 and she has been talking in full conversations since she was 1, it's hard to determine what is "not knowing it's fresh" and what is "knowing exactly how fresh it is but waiting to see what you'll do". That is a very difficult line to draw. If I say "it's time to brush your teeth and get ready for your day" and she says "in a minute, mommy" then I say "no, not in a minute, right now" and then she says "but I really don't want to" and then I say "I'm sorry to hear that but you have to, now let's go" and she says "I have an idea. I will not brush my teeth today, I will have the stink-breath all day"... seriously. I can go on like this for 98 more posts. She can talk all darn day. And she will debate you until the cows come home. (She gets that from her father.) So, I am trying to put my foot down immediately to end the debate before it begins. Really, there should be no debate. Mommy said it, now do it. And if you ask my husband, he will tell you this has been coming for a year, but I really don't see it. I don't want my kids to feel like they don't have a sya in their lives. They do have choices and they can compromise and ask questions and push back when they want or need to. But sometimes, SOMETIMES, it's just because MOMMY SAID SO!!! But she is so smart. And so clever. And so stinkin' funny. It's hard. How do we reign in our fabulous daughters without crushing them? Will I struggle with this for the rest of my life?
All in All, Life is Good. Vacation is less than 2 weeks away. Everyone is healthy and happy. I thank God for my life and our happiness every day. And, clearly, He hears me. (psssst - God? I am recycling the programs after I read them, I don't just chuck them!)
Fabulous post--great to read after a weekend computer-less. Have fun grill hunting, mulching, recycling church prorams and providing limits for your girl--and then get me the manual on how to deal with the talking back!
I definitely agree on the charcoal grill - they're a pain in the ass, but you can't beat the taste. And, you can't do s'mores on a gas grill.
So, what's the deal with your lawn guy? I'd be hard pressed to not call him up and find out when the heck he's coming!
Cute pics of the kiddos on the Big Wheel. Wyatt looks so big!
Everything about this post just made me smile. : )
Abby sounds so much like Sophie. She too is incredibly smart and can T-A-L-K. Boy can that girl have a conversation! She is only 3 but acts like she's 7. It's crazy. It's definitely important to find that "balance"; if anyone can it's you.
And I'm sure God will forgive you, my dear. : )
Grilling schmilling.....I can't taste the difference....oh well. Good luck with that Liz.
Whoo hoo for landscapers. You need it for sure, we do not really. But the sight of the truck out in front of the house, thrills us both equally as much I am sure! I love a nice tidy, clean yard.
The kids - well. You know where I am with all of that. Been there, done that. They are going to do it and you are just going to be the best you can be when faced with each and every issue that heads your way....and girl, those issues don't ever stop a comin'!!! Take a step back and look at the big picture to see what kind of kids you REALLY are raising. Makes all the disciplining, not so bad.
Vacations ROCK!!
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