Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A few pics of Wywy - Post Hair Cut:

I love how "boy" he is.There was nothing special about this "hill". It didn't lead anywhere or have anything cool on top. It is just a monster mound of road dirt and broken up pavement mixed with sand and leaves and sticks. He just had to climb it, walk across it and slide back down it. It just had to be done.


Kim said...

Wyatt's hair looks cute from what I can see of it. Looks like he's still got some waves in the back.

I love that he's all boy. Matthew's the same way - rough and tumble and into everything. And, I must say, that looks like a pretty fun "hill". I would have had to climb it too!

Gini said...

We also need a close up shot of your son too. Do it!

My boys - ALL boy. Loud, rough, tough.....love that about them.

Stacie1980 said...

Boys are wonderful. They are crazy, adventurous, love to give mom a heart attack... and are the sweetest creatures. :)

I love Wyatt's new do'...simply adorable.