Well, last night wasn't quite that bad - but it was not fun.
Wywy had his very first "puke sick" and he was pathetic and adorable.
He would throw up, then cry, then pass out. I put him in his crib twice, only to have to change the sheets (and his pajamas) each time before I finally got wise and just took him and a few towels, tissues and baby wipes into my bed where I could hold him and catch his spew.
We went through the night with some puking, followed by some crying, followed by some very pathetic cries of "mama" before he would fall back to sleep.
If I tried to put him down, on my bed, right next to my body, he would wake up, cry sadly for "mama" and then climb back onto my body. He had to be on me. And that's ok. I just held him.
My poor, sweet, angel baby boy.
Then, this morning, Abby had a similar bug but her's came in the form of diarrhea. I will spare you the very disgusting, very detailed descriptions that I am so tempted to write out. But, all in all, she wasn't bothered by it, just inconvenienced. And she'll be quite angry when she finds that she is not allowed to play with the other kids today.
Because I am not one of those mothers who allows her children out to infect everyone else's children because it's "easier" or because "they really want to play" or because they would "be so disappointed".
Tough shit. Life happens. You're sick, you can't play. Tomorrow is another day.
I will make the afternoon fun, but within our own germ-sphere, not out in the 'hood.
And to all those that do allow their children (or yourselves) to infect the rest of us... this is for you:

I hope your sweet babies are doing better...that is no fun!
I'm with you...if your kids are sick, have BEEN sick, whatever...STAY HOME! A couple Christmases ago we had a gathering at my grandma's 4 days before Christmas. My selfish cousin brought her sick self and her kids. Christmas eve William came down with it and Christmas day my brother's family was so sick they had to miss Christmas day at my parents. It was just awful.
Totally agree - if your kids are sick keep them home! Drives me nuts to see a sick kid at a playdate. Hope Abs and Wywy are feeling better!!
Stacie! I remember that - and I remember the OUTRAGE we all "spewed" on the board!! ;)
Sorry they were both sick - hope they're on the mend. Matthew had a similar bug a couple of months back - so sad to watch, and they just look at you like "what the hell is happening"? Gotta love the snuggle time, though. =)
I couldn't agree more - at least give people the option of whether or not to be around your sick kid(s).
Hope you have a better night tonight.
Love the picture!
Hope they feel better! I've been in situations where other mothers didn't let me know that their kids were sick and BAM my kids got sick. Keep it to yourself!
Parents seemed to be too "inconvenienced" these days to let there schedules deter from what was originally planned - when their kid gets sick. Granted some situations where kids are in school or in daycare, working parents are a little more challenged. But playgroups - stay the hell home...seriously.
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