Tuesday, April 7, 2009

It's Idol Night!!! YEEEHAWWWWW!!!

{I love Ryan Seacrest. Can I just tell ya?}

{"Indulgent" is almost as over-played as "dawg" on this show.}

Here we go:

Creepy red haired girl - Not everything has to sound so gutteral, Red! She is still bugging me. She probably won't fall into the bottom 3 this week but no, nobody likes you, they just don't like a few others more.

Kris Allen - I just can't get into this guy. Yeah, he has a nice singing voice, he has little-to-no "oomph" - nothing memorable at all.

Little – Explain it all you want, Little, I'm still calling you Little. And you had better work on more than those legs if you wanna sing Tina, sista.

Adam Lambert – That guy just blows me away. His control, his range, his undeniable GIFT. He is the ONLY contestant to get consistently better while consistently changing his game up. I have officially changed my prediction. Adam Lambert will be the next American Idol. No doubt. (I promise, I will be sure of my final prediction before the final 2. lol)

Blind Guy – LOVE that song, LOVE the he really went out on a limb with it. Unfortunately, he fell off the limb.

Danny – Started out sort of icky R&B. Not a fan. Ended ok. Not my favorite night of "The Gokey".

Anoop – I want to like this guy. I do. I even stopped calling him Kumar. I just can't love him, he just has to go. (And did you hear the one note - the one that made my ears close a little bit?!)

Matt Giraud – Man, that thing on his forehead distracts me so much. Who was he trying to act like tonight? It was like a drunken Halloween party - Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Charlie Sheen from 2 & 1/2 Men... it was so bad. So, so uncomfortable. I cannot believe the judges loved him so much. I cannot believe it. HORRIFYING.

My Bottom Three:


Stacie1980 said...

You crack me the hell up Liz. Particularly your critique of Scott...or Blindey. He is SO nice but so B-O-R-I-N-G.

Anoop...I still prefer Kumar...is good; but he bugs me.

"Little" is floundering and I sorta feel sorry for her...but not enough to keep her around.

I feel ya on Kris...nothing "special" there.

Danny is good; but he is starting to sound the same week after week.

Matt...yes...his forehead. I too am entirely distracted by that growth. Why wouldn't you have that removed? : )

Red haired chick...she can sing; no doubt, but she's a little odd. Her teeth scare me.

Adam...ahhh...what more is there to say? He is superb, fantastic, original, gifted, amazing...I may just have to start voting. ; )

Stacie1980 said...

Oh...and I totally agree with your bottom 3.

Allison said...

Drat! Missed it tonight (although the company at Maine Fish was just as fun). Can I get Adam's performance from tonight off of You Tube? I'll have to check it out.

Stacie1980 said...

You can go to American Idol's web site to watch performances...I believe you click on the videos tab on the top of the screen. I'm not sure if they're up yet; but they'll be there tomorrow for sure. I feel like such a dork. : )

Beth said...

Hey Liz, I couldn't wait to read what you wrote about AI...yes, I totally agree with you about Adam Lambert, and the funny thing is i hated him in the beginning. Anoop thinks that he is waaaay better than he is, which is just irritating. Scott (Blindey...lol)is just awful. Did noone else see the humor in him singing the line "you were right before my eyes"...he's gotta go. Lil had disappointed me week after week, and i really liked her too. My Danny Gokey (my fave) wasn't so hot last night but i really think the arrangement had alot to do with it.

Gina Marie said...

i want to slit my wrists every time the blind guy opens his mouth!!!
he ruined a great song!
LOVE the Lambert!! Did you know he's a drag queen?!?!?!?! GOOGLE it!!

Gini said...

Had to watch it on youtube. Adam better win, is all I've got to say...........