I am down 11 pounds since I started this whole thing in February. And I've only been exercising for about 2 weeks. So, I feel ok about that.
There is also that period of time where Easter Candy was here...
Do you ever stop to think about some of the words you use on a regular basis. Words that come out of your mouth and are quite possibly insulting someone, but you have heard them your whole life so you never gave it any thought?
There is a group in Facebook called "Stop Using the R-Word."
For the life of me, I couldn't think of it. What starts with R??
I use that word all the time - and not in it's Webster meaning. I use it when something is fucked up. I call it retarded.
I call my husband retarded about 76 times a day.
When I stopped to think about it after seeing one of my friends on FB in this group, I though "wow, that is sort of mean."
So, I am going to try to stop it.
And what about "gay".
I am a huge believer in Equal Rights, Gay Marriage, "Love Makes a Family"... but I say "that's gay" all the time. And I don't mean "that's homosexual", I mean "that's retarded". (Oops.)
Anyway... something to think about. Who knows what else I say... Those 2 will be hard enough to work on.
But in all seriousness - when I think about it, if Abby were to say "you're a retard" or "that's so gay", I would be floored. And I would have only myself to blame.
I mean, she was saying "oh, fuck" at 2 years old.
I curbed those F-bombs, I can work on the rest of my vocab, too.
I want to run a 5K.
Are you done laughing?
Seriously. I do.
And I happen to be married to an ex-runner. (Meaning - he ran in high school and college and even a little in his twenties but we have aged and gained - blissfully - together.)
So, we'll run together.
Not together-together. I mean, who will watch the kids?
But we're going to train at the same time.
My weight loss adventure - this time - is more about getting healthy and living an active, healthy lifestyle. I want to be fun with my kids. I want to be comfortable with my body enough to chase them on the beach. I want to be able to keep up with them!!
And, not to be morbid, I want to live long enough to see them have kids, and maybe even their kids have kids.
People live a reeeeeeeeeeeally long time in my family. I want to, too, but I also want to feel and look good.
My Grampy turned 90 today. So, on Saturday we will pack up the family truckster and head to Queens to celebrate.
Crazy, huh?
But I'll tell ya - that fat, old Sicilian is almost as fiery at 90 as he was at 70. He slowed a bit because he had a stroke but he still gets revved up at the big holidays. (And if you have any Italian in you, whatsoever, you know that a Sicilian with even a little fire is not someone to fuck with.)
So - Happy Birthday, Gramps! See ya Saturday!