Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Way Back Wednesday

Lots of chatter about weddings around these parts lately... a couple of cousins on the husband's side are getting closer to the altar and I am forever in love with weddings (planning them, attending them - whatever!)!!

Anyhoo - it got me feeling a little sentimental... and it has really gotten me excited about planning our 10-Year Anniversary Trip. We are considering a group trip, Fall 2011 to an exotic (if budget-friendly) locale - friends, family, kids - all-inclusive, on the beach - maybe even a cruise.
I keep writing and re-writing my vows to my husband who I love more than I ever imagined I would (or could) when I first married him in October, 2001. And I would imagine it only gets better as it ages, ripens and deepens...

Well, that's for a different post, for now, this is Way Back Wednesday and I am cheating a little here and including 3 pictures from my wedding day - October 20, 2001.

Could we have been more excited to enter as Mr. and Mrs?!
Yeah - I was hopping!

Why yes - we did have a rather large wedding party.
And yes, we really did love and want
every single one of these people
to stand up and witness our day with us.


Allison said...

Gorgeous! Look at the two of you! JUST BEAMING! I bet it was a fabulous day!

Gini said...

Great Way Back Wednesday....holy crap thats a huge wedding the Calla Lily's!

You look beautiful.

Unknown said...

Thank you - I really loved my wedding. I have to get my VHS tape turned into a DVD, I loved watching it but no longer have a VCR!!
and, btw - my post says "3 pics" but one was a .TIF that apparently wouldn't upload to Blogger and I didn't fix the text - oh well. :)

Gina Marie said...

I think you should let me help plan your 10 year anniversary trip!
If you think you're obsessed come to our apartment- there is wedding reading material EVERYWHERE!!
Ive got books by the dozens! : )

Kim said...

Great pictures, Liz. You guys look smashing! The best part is that your still as happy together today as you were on that day.

I loved your wedding. It's so funny that you posted this today - I swear I was just thinking this morning about the red outfit I wore to your wedding and how obnoxious it was. Way to blend in - not!

Hmmm...that video could be dangerous. I think I remember doing some totally inappropriate ass-slapping dance! (slinks away in shame....)

Kim said...

Or, I could spell correctly and say "you're" still as happy....

Unknown said...

Oh Kimmie - that red suit, your curly red hair - you're so gorgeous and it cracks me up that you make fun of how you looked that night.
I promise to find a pic and post for the world to see... although that could take a while.
Gina - some day, I promise we will see your apartment, I love Brooklyn and I would love to visit you.
But, I will be running shit when it comes to my "next wedding" - thanks. :) (ha ha - just kidding. sorta.)

Stacie1980 said...

Your wedding party was HUGE...and absolutely AMAZING! You and Jay are so freakin' cute together.

My 10 year anniversary is this I want to do something super special. : )