Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring is in the air, Easter is right around the corner and my weekends are filling up faster than ... faster than...
ummm.... .
Anyway - here are some cute pics I have taken randomly over the past few days:

This is my beautiful sleeping Angel.
The flash is very bright but, trust me, this was at night, in the dark.

And here is the boy, fast asleep.
He really takes advantage of every soft object when sleeping,
he doesn't stay in one position very long although, usually,
he's on his tummy with his hiney in the air.

Crocus sprouting out front. My first successful bulb ever.

Ladies Night at a local watering hole. Always a good time.

Cookie Marathon. 300 cookies in 3 hours.
(this isn't all of them, this is half-way through the chocolate chippers...)


Allison said...

I adore the pics of the kids sleeping. I have so many pictures of my little ones in bed, dreaming away. I may have to post one of Ella Bella tomorrow. Yay for Spring!

Kim said...

Great pics, Liz. I can't believe that shot of Abby is at night, and Wyatt's eyelashes are SO gorgeous!

Kim said...

Forgot to mention - that plate looks familiar... I have one of those on the table in my kitchen... ;)

Stacie1980 said...

Gorgeous babies and pictures...but you already knew that. Nothing sweeter than a sleeping child. : )

And now I want cookies.