Mission fairly well accomplished. I am to the point where I see food and want it for a split second and then I feel that feeling you get afterward - that "I'm so fat, why did I do that" feeling. I have even put food in my mouth and spit it out, because I realize I am putting it in my mouth and not really thinking about it, wanting it or caring about it. What a waste. If I am going to eat, I want it to be worthy of my body.
Tonight, I had dessert for the first time in over 2 weeks. That may not seem like much to some of you but I LOVE dessert - and ate cookies, candy or SOMETHING dessert-y at least once a day. (Hence, this problem of mine.)
So, tonight I had a Weight Watchers SmartOnes Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie thingie. Not sure what it was called, exactly, but it was chocoaltey-chippity-vanilla-creamy-deliciousness!!!
I am a huge fan of the Smartones Line of foods. They are convenient, healthy and pre-portioned - who could ask for more? No, they are not ALL delicious, but you feel them out, get to know what they do well and what to avoid. And these days, you can have grinders, pizzas, calzones, breakfast sandwiches, desserts - you name it! And Jay and I eat at home 3 meals a day, 7 days a week (not counting his travel) - so you need to have food that is easy and healthy - otherwise, I would need either a cook or a nanny.
Anyway - things are going well on the diet front. I especially impressed my hubby when I opted to skip the roasted potatoes at dinner tonight in favor of a bit more chicken.
Bring on the Burberry.
I keep meaning to post this story, but now that I am it seems silly. Basically it goes like this:
I make breakfast for the kids... say, 6 mornings a week. I give them cereal or oatmeal the other day but I generally make eggs or pancakes most days. They love them, I love them and we don't have to rush anywhere in the morning, so why not?
One time... ONE TIME... I accidentally left a little bit of shell in the scrambled eggs. It happens. Usually I can scoop it out but htis time, I guess I missed some. And Her Highness was MOST displeased.
Now, every single freakin' day - "Mama, are my eggs gonna have shells in them?" or "Mama, I want plain eggs. I don't want shell egss." Or, my favorite: "Mama, you want me to make the eggies? I won't get shells in them."
Last bit for tonight, wrapping it all up to the "quit eating" piece above. Well, something had to take over the obsessive space that food used to fill.
It's shopping. And it's a disease that only time and patience will cure. Once I adjust to eating less and not filling emotional needs with eating, I will move to shopping. One thing at a time, folks.
Plus, how could I resist? How cute are these?!? Wywy will be ROCKIN' the madras plaid this summer!
I am going to work backward on this one. 1. The shorts are adorable. Love madras with a nice pair of Vans and shorty socks.... 2. I get what you are saying. How do their little brains manage to remember every little stinking detail of that one incident and then remind you so often you feel like poking your eyes out with an ice pick....? and 3. I have fallen off the wagon a bit. Gained back 2 pounds. If I could only get back to the gym - I know I would feel so much better. I always manage some excuse. You may have just made it over that HUMP...so keep it going.
I totally agree on the WW foods - they're not all great, but you figure out which ones are worth buying again, and some of the desserts are fabulous!!
LOVE, LOVE the shorts - he's gonna look so stylish!
The shorts are FANTASTIC! I was always a Smartones fan--I tried lean cuisine last week and at first thought it was great until I had this N A S T Y aftertaste in my mouth for like three days. UGH!!!
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