Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So, today we were graced with a visit from my very dear friend, Colleen and her two kids, Mackenzie & Davis.
Colleen's kids are the same ages as my kids, our husbands are both work-a-holics who love their jobs, our lives are both chaotic and amazing and neither of us could be happier about any of it.
And even as I write this, it's hard to convey - the feeling of comraderie, of trust, of love and friendship - that feeling of warmth and happiness I get from spending time with a good friend.
Today was so great.

At bedtime, in her regular routine of doing anything she can to postpone the inevitable, Abby had a "show" to perform. She was persuaded into performing her last show of the evening in her nightgown so when she and her baby brother were all set to get into bed, Jay and I settled in for the big show.
Now, I will skip to the end to tell you that the "show" was simply a bunch of spinning and bowing but the best part, the part worth mentioning was the lead up.
She stood in the middle of our bedroom, Jay, Wyatt and myself sitting on the bed in eager anticipation, and announced:
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Presenting the Main Show, starring... ME!!!"
It was priceless.


Allison said...

Now THAT'S the kind of girl drama I am looking forward to!!! That girl is such a cutie patootie! Give her cheeks a little squishy for me!

Gini said...

I thank my lucky stars for each and every friend I have. Your family is and always will be your family. But friends - YOU, yourself have chosen them, and there is nothing like connecting with someone on an honest and real level - the way you cannot with someone else. I know the feeling that you have felt. How special!

Kim said...

Man, I've got a lot of posts to catch up on!

Sounds like you guys had a great visit - love those names!

I can just picture Abby twirling about in her nightgown. She's priceless!