Sunday, November 14, 2010

I am thankful for Ryan Hanrahan.
He is our weather guy.

Technically he is on Channel 4.  But, now that I live in Connecticut and try to live by CT's rules, I will tell you that Ryan appears on channel THIRTY.  Yes, I said 30.  Even though when holding the remote in your hand you will press 04.
Once I asked my mother-in-law if she saw a certain news story and she said "what channel were you watching" and I said "4" and she said "you mean 30?" and I said "what?  I mean 4" and she said "who was reporting?" and when I didn't know she seemed at a loss as to what channel I was watching.  This is what I deal with in a world of Connecticut-born-and-raised...

That's cool, though...  I am still thankful for Ryan.
But Ryan, seriously...  you're busting out of your nice suits.  Hit the gym...  or lay off the corned beef, babe.  We notice these things.


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