Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Today I got to thinking about marriage. Different people love each other differently, respect each other differently, communicate with each other differently. Each happy marriage has a happy husband and a happy wife - without those 2, it's not a happy marriage - and if the marriage is happy, then the people in it feel that they are doing things the right way.

Then why are there so many ways to be happy? If everyone is right, what's wrong? That's a rhetorical question.

But here is my real question, or point to ponder - depending on what sort of reader you are - a responder or a thinker...

What do you do to make your marriage a success?
How do you show your spouse that they are still
and always will be the center of your world?

Do you put your wife or husband first? Above your children?
Do you enjoy each other, laugh with each other, spend time together?
Do you respect your spouse's time? Space? Feelings?

This is really just food for thought.
I spent my day with 2 girlfriends and our kids at the beach.
Our husbands were working.

I never feel like I show my appreciation enough to Jay. I never feel like he truly understands how much I love my life, and how much I know how hard he works and how stressed out he gets while I am pretty much having a grand ole time. And truly, I do have a great time. Every day.

Everyone has rough days, everyone can say that have had a bad week, same goes for me. But overall - I wouldn't trade my life for any one of yours.

I don't work.
I don't have a job.
I don't have to get up and go and answer to anyone or do anything that I don't want to do.

This is all true. I am the luckiest woman in the world. And I have my husband, the love of my life, my very best friend and very easily - my favorite person in the world - to thank for that.

So, go tell your spouse what you really think of them. Tell them that you're happy to be with them. Tell them that they make you happy - but tell them how, why and what they are that makes you so happy.
Everyone needs to hear it. Especially in a marriage. A marriage can so easily get lost in the shuffle of the day to day.
So try to remember why you got married in the first place.

So many of my friends have such great marriages. They love their husbands (and vice versa) so much. We share in the joys of our blessings. We laugh at the silliness, the craziness, the aggrivations and the stresses.
Because what we have - the bottom line of it all - is great love and admiration for our husbands.


Gini said...

Couple things before I comment on the marriage thing.....That second picture of Wyatt is a Riot..hey that rhymes! And the beach...well, I don't have to say a word - you've got to know what I am thinking!

Marriage. "Ma-wage. Ma-wage is wot bwings us togeder tooday. Ma-wage, that bwessed awangment, that dweam wifin a dweam..." (sorry I had to do that!)

Marriage is work and sometimes marriage is hard. But it is sooo worth it - the work part. For Bill and I it has been fairly "easy" all these years. We are just "right" for each other. Period. When we are both on our game, it is the best thing EVER. I do find though, that when one of us is not feeling 100 percent or doing 100 percent or giving 100 percent, that's when the challenge starts. The other has to pick up when one leaves off. Whether I am grumpy, or feeling off, and not being all that I can be to be a good mom or a good spouse, Bill has to work harder to make up for my mis-steps. And vice versa. I may snap at him, we may argue, I may not appreciate him - but in the end, everything works itself out, because of the hard work to make it that way. I will always respect Bill for being who he is, and who he is, isn't always how I would want him to be...but it is him, authentically and inevitably it is what made me fall in love with him. And in hindsight, we always rejoice in the fact that we can come through most anything and get back to that perfect place. Best friends, soulmates, husband and wife.

I rambled and I'm not sure it makes sense....it is rather late, but I think you get my point.

Unknown said...

I do get your point. It's a great point. I love the Ying & Yang of it - and my point about my friends' marriages that are so great, and my own, are basically all that Ying & Yang. And the ones that are not, while I hear they are still great, make me wonder...

You are welcome - and encouraged - to quote Princess Bride on my blog and otherwise, at all times.

I think the hard part for most people is acceptance. Like you said, accepting and loving Bill for who he is, even when you don't like or want him to be a specific thing. It's a package deal.

Kim said...

Man, has it really been this long since I've been on your blog? What the heck?


I'll go ahead and count myself among one of those friends who has a great marriage. I feel so lucky to have the husband I do - we just mesh so well. We ebb and flow together in such an amazing way. I feel like we fill a part of each other that no one else could quite fill.

As Gini said, it isn't always sunshine and roses, but I think that's part of the reason we're happy in our life - we don't have expectations that it will be, and we're willing to do the work to get past those times.