Sunday, June 14, 2009

con·sid·er·ation noun
1: continuous and careful thought consideration he agreed to their requests>
2 a: a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan considerations forced her to leave college>
b: a taking into account
3: thoughtful and sympathetic regard
4: an opinion obtained by reflection

I open this post with the official Webster definition of the word "consideration" because it has been the theme of my week, it seems.
It started with the woman who ignored my stares when I wanted to move over, out of the turn lane that I got into by accident, when the light changed. She had plenty of time and plenty of room for me to scoot right in and not make a mess but she ignored me. Clearly, rudely, ignored my waving and staring from 3 feet away. The man behind her let me in after she peeled out. She was completely inconsiderate, he was quite considerate.

It isn't worth the time to post the other consideration issues of the weekend, but I thought it was worth posting the definition.

Friday night our babysitter bailed. We had originally planned to head on up to Longmeadow-567 but had to cancel on our friends.
What did our friends do?
Packed their shit up and headed down to 131.
That's right. Just like that, we had 2 other couples turn around, change their plans, pack up their kids (and lots of food & booze) and hang out with us.
How Considerate!
We had an awesome time and Kimmie got some great shots of some excellent parallel play between our boys. :)

We spent yesterday at my mom & dad's house. My family, friends and a few neighbors gathered and my mom cooked her ass off. Steak on a Stick and Carvel Cake - does it get better than that?
And how about Regina with the Smorrebord(?)?? If you don't know what that is - you are missing out on the aboslute tastiest, most fabulous, fancy & delicious appetizers known to man. Or at least, known to Shore Drive.

Today is my birthday and I am sitting on the couch with my husband watching an SVU marathon while both of my babies are sound asleep in the middle of the day.
How awesome is that!?

Sadly, I forgot my camera at my mom's house and won't be able to share my pics until she either mails it back or I head back to NY - either way, you're looking at one sad, camera-less Blogger for at least a week.

Lastly, allow me to apologize - to atleast Belle & Gini - my faithful readers. I went cold turkey on my Scrabble addiction and I don't see myself getting wrapped up in it again.
I finished my Dr. Laura book after it sitting with 2 chapters to go for more than a week. I have Brooke Shields' book, Columbine and Twilight waiting for me. And when my MIL is done with My Sister's Keeper, I want to read that one, too.

Speaking of my MIL - she and my father-in-law gave me a Pandora bracelet for my birthday. I love it!!! I can't wait to start collecting my beads!
Happy Birthday to me!


Kim said...

Glad your birthday weekend was a fun one! We had a blast Friday night, and it was our pleasure to pack up and come your way. I promise to download the pics tomorrow and send them to you. They're very cute!

Are you gonna go crazy without your camera? I know I would.

I started My Sister's Keeper when I was pregnant with Matthew. The story was too much for me to handle at the time, but seeing the trailers for the movie makes me want to get back to it one of these days.

Soooo excited you got a Pandora! YAY! You're gonna have a blast picking out beads!

Kim said...

BTW, Happy Birthday to your Dad!

Gini said...

Consideration - great word. Glad you thought of it to put on your blog. I have these moments - something happens and then a word just pops.....same for you. Love it.

Sounds like you all had a great night Friday. That sounds like a fun tradition. Friend connections like that ROCK!

My Sister's Keeper was one of my all time favorite Jodi Picoult books. Love her. Finish is before the movie comes out. I'm sure it will be better as a read.

And lastly - Glad your birthday was all you wanted it to be. With or without hoopla - as long as you are with those who love you, somehow it always ends us being memorable, each and every year.

Unknown said...

Gini - I believe that is part of our connection. We are both considerate, loyal, A-type, often over-thinking, over-loving types. (If there is such a thing.)
And I hope you agree or this statement makes me a serious Blog-Stalker, thinking I know you from what I read!

Unknown said...

Kimmie- I am DYING without my camera and I can't nag my mom about it bc she's really doing me a favor!
But COME ON, MA!!!