Part I
Abby was up at 6:30, a full hour earlier than usual, which was great but unexpected. She was very excited. She bounced in our room and said "is this a good time for waking up for school, mama?"
It was.
We snuggled, she drank her warm milk, I drank my coffee.
Then, I got dressed. Then, she got dressed.
Then Wyatt woke up and drank his warm milk and we got him dressed.
At about 7:30 I was serving up "anything" Abby wanted for breakfast. She chose Eggos. A girl after my own heart.
The 4 of us loaded into the car and off we went.
It was only about 8:18 but I know it takes 6 minutes door-to-door (including car seats) and I didn't know what the parking lot would be like with all the drop-offs.
We made it there without issue, parked and headed over to our drop-off area.
We took a few pics, talked to a few parents and then Abby's teacher came out to get the kids lined up and ready to head in.
Without a second thought my big girl handed Lambie over and lined up. She wouldn't have even kissed us if we hadn't reminded her!
I guess she'll be fine!
There was one little guy who really lost it as his Daddy left him. He was a mess of blonde curls, snot and tears. And seeing him made me lose my composure a bit. I wanted to snuggle him.
I'm sure he'll be fine, too.
Wyatt was visibly confused when we loaded back into the car without Abby.
I cried on the way home. And as I write this, I feel a bit lost with just one kid. But, I have laundry to fold and like I said, I look forward to playing with Wywy.
And there is only 2 hours, 32 minutes till pick up!
After a few hours of not knowing what to do with ourselves, we packed up and headed out to pick Abby up.
Once again, the parking lot was a zoo but we parked far away from the school knowing that the less we had to deal with the other maniacs trying to park as close as possible on the way in, the less we'd have to deal with them on the way out.
We only waited about one minute before the kids filed out.
The teacher let them out one at a time as the parents showed themselves for a safe release.
We barely showed ourselves but Wyatt spotted Abby and went screaming towards her so we were spotted.

We chatted with a few other parents for a few minutes and I couldn't help but look back at 2 kids - both gorgeous, one boy and one girl - who were still waiting. Now, mind you, it was probably 11:22 and pick up is 11:20 so these parents aren't delinquent in any way. But the faces on these kids as they looked out into this sea of parents and preschoolers with no sign of their own mommy or daddy was heartbreaking.
Heart. Breaking.
I swore right then and there that I would NEVER be late for preschool pick-up.
(No such promises for drop-off!)
We got home and Abby regaled us with tales of circle time, snack time and using the tiny potty again. Other than that, she didn't have much to say and her grump level was rising.
We ate lunch and put Wyatt down for his nap. I got Abby into my bed for some "first day of school - big girl - snuggling" and she conked out right quick.
So, I am making some sauce for a simple pasta dinner and letting my two babes sleep off their very exciting morning.
Now, I will warm up a cup of coffee and prepare for Part III of this day... Quinn & Kieran!
Once again, the parking lot was a zoo but we parked far away from the school knowing that the less we had to deal with the other maniacs trying to park as close as possible on the way in, the less we'd have to deal with them on the way out.
We only waited about one minute before the kids filed out.
We barely showed ourselves but Wyatt spotted Abby and went screaming towards her so we were spotted.
We chatted with a few other parents for a few minutes and I couldn't help but look back at 2 kids - both gorgeous, one boy and one girl - who were still waiting. Now, mind you, it was probably 11:22 and pick up is 11:20 so these parents aren't delinquent in any way. But the faces on these kids as they looked out into this sea of parents and preschoolers with no sign of their own mommy or daddy was heartbreaking.
Heart. Breaking.
I swore right then and there that I would NEVER be late for preschool pick-up.
(No such promises for drop-off!)
We got home and Abby regaled us with tales of circle time, snack time and using the tiny potty again. Other than that, she didn't have much to say and her grump level was rising.
We ate lunch and put Wyatt down for his nap. I got Abby into my bed for some "first day of school - big girl - snuggling" and she conked out right quick.
So, I am making some sauce for a simple pasta dinner and letting my two babes sleep off their very exciting morning.
Now, I will warm up a cup of coffee and prepare for Part III of this day... Quinn & Kieran!
Abby looks like such a big girl! I'm so glad that her first day of school went so well. I'm proud of you mama for holding it together until you got back into your car to leave. I bet Wywy missed his bis sister today, but now you two can bond even closer now! I love ya!
You must have known in your heart that your daughter was going to do absolutely fabulous with all of this, right?? You have sub-conciously prepared her for this very moment - you have made her who she is to want this and be excited about this. Maybe you were crying because you realized this Liz. You did good!! This is one of those moments, with many more to come, when you know you've done a good job so far. We need that every once in awhile as a mom/as a parent.
I just teared uo with the photo of her little back pack hanging on the hook!
I have learned....never be late for pick up! As you said, 2 minutes feels like a lifetime to a child waiting for their parent!
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