Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I moderate comments on posts older than 7 days.
I only do it so that I know someone commented on a post that I am probably not looking at anymore.
Plus - I get a little thrill when I see them waiting for me when I log into Blogger.

I am venturing out tonight. At first I was going out to dinner and for a pedi with Kimmie. That had to be postponed because one kid with 2 activities and another that still naps is kicking my ass this week and I can't get everything done.
Maybe I need a nanny...
Anyway - I am going to Big Y. I never go anywhere but Stop & Shop but tonight, I want to do my "chores" but make it a bit more interesting. I don't have to bring the kids, they'll be asleep, so I can take my time and check out a new shop.

I am using Clorox in my laundry again. Not like I once did, but every now and then you just need a little brightening and whitening, ya know?

Abby is taking ballet. It's just a 1-week intro class through our town's Parks & rec but it is so stinkin' cute to see her, and 4 other little dollies, in their leotards & slippers, hopping all over the gym.
And the class is in what will be her preschool in a few weeks, so we are all enjoying the "getting to know you" aspect of it.
I was able to peek into her classroom. It was everything I dreamed it would be. And it wasn't even set up yet.

I know this isn't a very exciting entry. I felt like I had more to day when I logged in, but I guess I didn't.
I am trying not to think this week. We should all take a break like that every now and then.


Gini said...

I love bleach and use wayyyy to much of it. I make up for it by using wayyyy to much fabric softener on that load. If there was bleach that actually worked on colors, I would use that too!! Ha Ha.

Exciting or not Liz - you write it down and that says a lot about you. Nothing left to stew about, or mull over and keep your mind distracted. It's a good thing. Probably why you say "Life is Good" a lot.

Unknown said...

It's a good point, Gini. Writing it down helps me a lot. It is very Freeing.