Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Haircuts, Hooray!!

And, while this mulch pile in my driveway is still very large today,
it is not as large as it was yesterday:



Gini said...

I held my breath when I saw the word haircut and a picture of your daughter, but it is very very cute, indeed. And the boy, well, handsome as well......

But Liz, come on. The mulch pile? I think it looks bigger the second day.......

Allison said...

Those kids are TOO CUT--I think I need a summer haircut myself. Moving that mulch must be some back-breaking work!

Allison said...

Ahhh, "cute", I meant, LOL

Gina Marie said...

OMG!! I am dying over these pics!! Wywy looks so big and grown up!! I'm obsessed!!!!!! xoxoo

Unknown said...

Gini - I thought the SAME thing!! But, really, I think it was just my OCD of piling it up high and neat when I was done on Day 1. It worked against me.
And yes, it IS back breaking but so far, I am muttering to myself "life with your legs, not with your back" and so far, I am not in any pain. Using the snow shovel and a very large wheelbarrow has helped!
Gina - he does look so big but his fat little baby face is till there so he's still my baby boy!!

Kim said...

Lovin' the summer dos you guys are sporting! Wyatt is crazy big! In the picture where he's bending down to pick up the gummy bear he looks just like Abby. Awesome!

And that's a crapload of mulch, lady! It's so much work, but isn't itso satisfying to see the pile get smaller and smaller? Love that feeling.

Anonymous said...

Hi Wiz,

I read your blog - for 20 minutes, OK! I like it. It's so you. Love you. Love the kiddies.
