After I finished the last garden within the yard today (only the top of the driveway left to go - yeehaw!) my back ached, my hands were raw and I was swearing at all things garden-ish.
I have been BUSTING my HUMP around here lately.
But it feels really good. Really good.
For a few reasons but the two biggest reasons being
1) it eases my husband's mind to know that the yard and house are not falling apart around us because he is working 16 hour days and
2) I truly, deeply and madly love working in the yard. The instant gratification that mulching brings, for example, is something I have missed over the past few years when tiny babies needed my attention too frequently for me to really get into a project.
But, I'm almost done and the more creative stuff will be next and that is so fun, too.
And when I think "just one more project and I will be DONE and I can sit back and ENJOY it!" - the weeds have already begun to take over where I started and the cycle begins again.
Then the Fall Planting starts...
Man, I love "outside". And I love having all 4 seasons to enjoy it in.
Later in the afternoon our girl, Stina, came down and I went out for a wax. Not just any wax, my friends. I had my armpits waxed.
"Why? Did you run out of things to do?" was my husband's reaction.
No, I am just very "pro" hair removal and I wanted to try it.
A little history here shows a happy, confident young Liz blissfully unaware of hair removal products or why anyone would bother with them.
Then, one dark day in the high school hallway one well-intentioned - albeit misguided - friend told this blissfully ignorant girl about her mustache.
One thing led to another and 20 years later, there ain't a product out there that I haven't tried. So, young ladies out there - take it from an expert - "There ain't no shame is being hairy, that's your genes. But there is shame in not waxing it. That is within you control!"
And wax it. Really - nothing else, short of laser hair removal, works.
Every woman waxes her eyebrows.
Come on - if you're a woman reading this right now and you don't wax your eyebrows,
Stop Reading My Blog.
I can't relate to you.
This is 2009. You gotta wax those things.
So, today I waxed the pits.
And it hurt, folks.
It hurt like hell.
And right now, as I sit here typing, when I shift a little bit - they still hurt.
And it was expensive!
It cost more than a bikini wax!
I took $100 out of the ATM today and came home without enough to pay my babysitter!
So, I'm glad I tried it and I'm glad I will have a few days (ha!) of hair-free pits but I can honestly say "never again". Growing out your pit hair is NO fun. (No, I didn't take Before & After pics.)
Tomorrow is the lottery drawing for the kids that will get into the Public School Pre-K Classes.
I am so excited! I have been waiting and I am such a planner that even though school is 3 months away, it is killing me to not know what our schedule will look like!
Oh man, I am sure I will be Blogging non-stop about pre-school so I will spare you now but I am so excited for tomorrow, it's ridiculous!!!
That mulch pile is getting smaller and smaller! I can't believe how much it's shrunk just since Friday. Nice work!
OK, pit waxing? Not sure I'd be brave enough to try that. I'm visualizing a scene like in 40 Year Old Virgin. I'd be swearing my head off at the lady doing it, I'm sure. Thanks for trying it out and passing on your perspective on NEVER doing it again!
Good luck with the preschool lottery. Hope it works out exactly the way you want it to.
Wow. Great job on the mulch! I love (limited) yard work. It is quite different here - but the end result - relishing in all your hard work, taking that step back to look at all your plants and flowers, it's all worth enjoying it all and knowing you made it happen.
Waxing - well, I've only ever done my brows. No time now, but I do pluck. When the mustache finally comes in, and I am confident it will show it's hairy self sooner or later, I will wax that right the frig off! Pits - I don't think so - I felt a twinge with your description.
Good luck with the lottery. Can't wait to hear ALL about it. ;)
I will not wax my pits now thanks very much!!
BUT I didn't wax my eyebrows for the first time until I was 27 i had no clue they could or should be- it was for my sisters wedding...and I haven't looked back :)
K - I should have no comment about the mulch. I hate outdoor work, so you are welcome to come on down and help us with some much needed remulching next year.
As far as wax, I actually love having my eyebrows waxed. Not so much the mustache, but I do it anyway. Actually right now I'm poor and I've been tweezing my eyebrows. They look like poop. Please still be my friend.
I've thought about waxing other parts of the body but a co-worker friend just shared her 4 day torture experience of getting basically a full body wax in prep for her Cancun honeymoon. Um. No. Not going to be wearing a dress and no undies to work any time soon and making excuses to walk around because it hurts too much to sit.
My razor, my friend.
Good luck with the preschool lotto :)
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