Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Way Back Wednesday

l-r: Abigail, Liz, James, Deborah
front: Cara

Some Castle, Scotland, May 2007
Abs and I went trans-continental with Wywy in Utero.

(Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Jay continued to work his ass off to pay for such jaunts!)


Gini said...

Good for you for taking such a trip - sans...husband. I don't know if I could do that. Or maybe it's just that I couldn't stand the fact that he might do that without ME!! ha ha You all look very, very happy. Must have been a great jaunt! Glad you are on the road to recovery. Good luck with the weigh in tomorrow. I am down 8 lbs - not looking for a big change this week, but still motivated and hope to do well next week.

Kim said...

OK, I can't get over how little Abby was in this picture. She's changed so much in the last 2 years - amazing!

BTW, I love your hair in this picture - that was one of my favorite hairstyles of yours. Sassy!