It was a picture perfect March day. Chilly, but not cold. Windy as all get-out (whatever that means) and sunny.
Today held a lot of promise.
Abby is looking forward to the "slimeys" coming up out of the earth, as soon as the ground is warm enough. But she and Wyatt took some time this afternoon to try to speed the process along, digging and digging with their giant sand shovels into 1 inch of mud to only find more frozen ground. Sorry I don't have any pictures of that, but take my word for it - it was messy.
And leave it to Wyatt to walk through, fall in and proceed to splash around in the biggest mud puddle he could find.
If he doesn't have pneumonia tomorrow I will consider this day a success.
I did have the foresight to take a few pics of the kids as we walked up to Jody's this afternoon, though. And these pics really sum up the day very well.

"Ma, did you see that bird?!"

"I can push this thing myself, I don't need a stinkin' ride!"

"We're off to see the Wizard..."

just strolling...
Your kids are so beautiful--I am glad that I got to see them in person! An hey, that is a looooong driveway to navigate in reverse! LOL
While the seasons are so different here - it doesn't make me appreciate someone else's appreciation any less. Great descriptions and your captions seem right on the money!! Too funny.
Great pictures. I wish you had gotten a picture of Wyatt in the mud - that would have topped them off!
Love Abby's boots!
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