Wednesday, February 18, 2009

So, I haven't blogged in a while and there is good reason for that - allow me to explain:

We took a family Valentines Day trip to Boston for the weekend. You can get the Losh POV here, as well as some pics. So rather than reinvent the wheel, I will just leave it as "we had an awesome time and cannot wait till our next adventure."

Me, being me, I have already began to plan the next adventure. It didn't take much since it has become our "Annual Easter Trip" but still, researching hotels is always fun.
And, if you have known me for 10 minutes, you know I can't pass up a deal.
So - combine all these little tidbits and you have me planning our next weekender to NYC, Easter Weekend, staying at the Millennium Hilton, earning points (or even staying for free with our points!) and then heading to Queens for Easter Sunday.
This hotel looks awesome. Check it.

I also got to thinking about taking the Quarterly on the road this summer... and I plan to bring it up at our next session.
What does everyone think about a Quarterly-Annual-Camping-Trip?!

Anyhoo - we got home Sunday afternoon and Jay went to get the dogs. They, too, spent the weekend away. We have been kenneling our dogs for as long as we have had them. We had the fortunate experience of finding this particular kennel when the one we had been going to was "ripe with Kennel Cough".
The owner of our current kennel has a terrific reputation as a sort of "dog whisperer" and he did, indeed, help us train Maggie in her younger years when she was a much more excitable (read- "kookoo") pup.
Our previous kennel was fine, I would recommend them, too. But they are very expensive. And this kennel is less expensive and they truly seem to love our dogs. They remember them and treat them with love and cuddles, like we do.
The other kennel was good and reputable, but not cuddly, and that's an important quality, I think.

Sunday night we had tacos for dinner, gave the kids a bath and we all went to sleep, normal-shmormal.
Then, around 3am I woke up. Sick. S. I. C. K.
Fucking tacos.
I went back to sleep but at 4 when I went for Round 2, I began to wonder if it was the tacos...
At 5 and again at 7am, I realized this went deeper than tacos. (Not that I have any plans to eat them again any time soon, at least I know I can... when I can... you know what I mean.)
When the kids started waking up and I tried to, I realized my head weighed about 700 pounds and my entire body ached. I muttered to Jay about being sick, he said "I know" (I guess he heard) and he got up and got the kids.
I will spare you the gory details here, folks, but I have to say this much:
My husband was SUPER-DAD and SUPER-HUSBAND on Monday. And I was SUPER-SICK. He took care of me, kept my germs at bay, took care of the kids, kept the noise and the chaos away from me (even the pets), called the doctor, rubbed my back, filled my prescription, went grocery shopping, continued to care for the kids, continued to care for me, continued to keep my germs at bay, brought me Gatorade and Pain Medication (it was that bad) on a Breakfast-in-Bed Tray that had not been opened since I received it at my Bridal Shower (thanks, Monica & Sue!) and all the while I never heard him lose his patience or get aggravated. I'm sure he did - we do on a normal day, it's fine - but if I had heard it, he knows that would have added to my agony.
I was in pain, I was sick, I couldn't sleep and to top it off, I couldn't see my kids because the last thing we wanted was for them to catch this "highly contagious, keep her out of the office and away from people" virus that had latched onto me. And that man, my love, my best friend and favorite guy in the world, he held it all together like a pro.
I'm sure he got nothing done. No schoolwork, no work-work. Forget relaxation.
But I was better the next day.
And today, I am back to normal.
We de-germified the house and life has resumed normalcy. *knock on wood*

Today is Wednesday and as I said, life is relatively calm again. I know I am forgetting some good stuff on this Blog but it's getting long so let me leave you with this:
  • Wyatt is in love, and I mean L.O.V.E. with Ming-Ming.
  • It is snowing again, which is a good thing because it was bound to happen and it's prettier to have a fresh bit of snow than to see all the actual dog shit that has been piling up out there for the past few months.
  • I have waited to be totally germ-free before I begin my marathon of cooking, in case anyone who will be eating it is reading this, I am starting tomorrow - haven't touched a thing yet.
  • I am cooking: "Spring Onion Soup", "Lasagna Soup" and "Chicken Parm". I may make cookies, too.
  • Today marks the end of "Week One" of my diet. My "seriously, fattie, lose some weight" diet. You can follow the day-x-day on the side column of my Blog but I feel good about it so far. When I said I wanted an unhealthy jumpstart, vomitting was not exactly what I had in mind but it works, too.
Ok, gotta go catch up on my other Blogs and Facebook. And I promise, Gini, BLOGS FIRST!!


Gini said...

I can't believe HOW sick you were. Kimmy was worried about you. Glad you are on the mend. Connor and Hannah both had the pukes within the last two weeks, and knock on wood, Bill and I have remained fairly healthy.

Unknown said...

Dude - I am still in awe of how f-ing sick I was. I have never felt anything like that.
It's fading now... routine and mornalcy have returned, but it was a rough one.

Kim said...

Glad you're feeling better and back in the land of the living! Can't wait to see you guys!