Anyway, he is reading my blog (welcome) and loves it. I love that he loves it because I have loved his Blog for some time now. I read some this morning and he had a whole entry about how simple and silly Blogging is (my words) and basically how happy it makes him to both write it and that people read it. I am not doing his blog justice by any means, so why don't you go read it, and then you will understand why I like this guy so much.
His best friend married my best friend. We go way back. He's "good people".
Abby went all day today wearing panties, no diapers. No diapers! She went "peeps on the potty" all day and didn't even remind me about the candy bribe agreement every time! If she goes poop on the potty, she gets to pick out a toy at the pharmacy. She knows it and is very excited about it, but she didn't poop today. Normally, she poops every day so I think there is a little bit of a mental break without the diaper.
I am not potty training in chapters. She will go peeps & poops on the potty all day. She can wear a diaper at night for as long as her little body needs, that's fine, but I'm not playing that "oh, she still poops in her diaper" game. She's a smart girl, she'll be fine.
Today she wore panties, no diaper, even OUT of the house - all the way through Ted's! She was so proud! She got out of the car and announced she had to go potty. I was so excited! Of course she did! I did, too! She then informed me that she would be going potty in the grass and before I could stop her, she did! She walked over to the lawn and spread 'em.
And ya know what? I said "Ok! Next time let's just take your panties off, ok?!" And she agreed.
She's awesome. I am so excited about Potty Training.
We'll see how I feel at this time tomorrow, eh?
Wyatt was displeased with his situation today. I suspect tomorrow will be even worse and I suspect the reason is that his top teeth are cutting. I definitely see one and the other one won't be far behind. Poor guy. Abby breezed through all of her teeth, we barely noticed. This guy is feeling every second of every movement of every tooth - and at 10 months, he only has 2. Jeezaloo.
He may only have 2 teeth but he is very busy elsewhere.
He is cruising now and standing on his own for brief periods. (very brief) He is a ridiculously fast crawler, and climbing up the stairs is his latest quest. I am a pretty lazy parent, I don't get worked up about little things that won't kill my kids. But this kids has made me choke on my beverage more than once. Climbing out of the high chair - that he is strapped in to - climbing out of the grocery cart - that he is strapped in to - climbing up the fireplace and stairs and dog... Getting up on his tip toes to reach for something over his head that will come crashing down and crush him. Sticking his fingers into anything he can fit and putting everything he finds in his mouth.
He is the reason "BabyProofing" was invented, truly.
It's fun, though. He keeps it interesting.
I am trying to manage nap time in a way that will not interfere with my new "job". We will have to get Q & K off the bus at 3:30 so I need Wyatt to be done napping by then. Abby doesn't nap anymore. Sometimes she falls asleep, and that's great, but I won't sweat waking her up if she is still asleep at 3:25 when I have to leave. Wyatt, on the other hand, is a routine napper. Twice a day, 2 hours each time. So, I need to rearrange him a little. Lately, he has not been sleeping for a full 2 hours, so I am trying to put him down later in the am and a little earlier in the pm. Hopefully making him meld into one nap. One nap from 11 - 2 would be PERFECTO. Come on, WyWy!!
It was nice to organize my day like that. Thanks for listening.
Awww, thanks. You are good people too. I didn't even know that picture existed. I saved it on my computer.
Keep up the good writing!!!
I checked out Jay's blog - very cool.
Way to go, Abby! Keep up the good work!
Sounds like WyWy is all boy. You've got your hands full. We're still waiting for Matthew to get his first tooth. Come on already!
Oh, BTW, I'm totally taking a day off and we're going to The Big E. It's like the Hebron Fair on steroids!
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