It's been a while so I have lots of jumbled thoughts.
First, let me say that having your hardwood floors refinished is a bitch. Even in the best scenario, which I believe we had. The company we used was efficient, professional, followed through exactly how they said yada yada - you get the drift, I would recommend them in a heartbeat. But I still had to leave my house for more than 48 hours, board my dogs for $200 and then clean up the ridiculous sandy, dusty disaster when they were done. And they were "less messy"
because their sander has a bag. I can't even imagine it more messy.
My advice to those of you getting your floors done is Empty the Room. Not just stuff that touches the floor. Everything. It will seem like a pain in the ass at the time, but trust me, dusting your berry wreath is not easy. Nor is it fun to dust each one of your Collector Plates that hang just below the ceiling.
Anyway - I will post before and afters later.
My next completely random thought is about "Forgive and Forget". People say it's easier to forgive than to forget. I think the 2 go hand in hand.
If someone does something to you that hurts you, but you love the person. Don't you want to forgive them and forget it ever happened?
You can learn from it, grow closer by it but you don't have to hold on to the specific memory of it.
Frankly, if you love someone enough to forgive them, Truly, Honestly, forgive them. Then you'll forget, too.
Or, maybe it's you and you need some psycho-analyze-ation as to why you can't get out of your own way.
That's for another post, though.
Abby has been on the potty for almost 2 weeks now, accident-free. She has only pooped, like, twice but at least I know she knows how to hold it in case we ever need her to utilize that skill.
Wyatt is cutting tooth #3 and it has been hellish for him. He was up with me last night, watching the Golden Girls and sucking on the Motrin bottle at 1am. It's cool. I'm tired, yeah, but it's kinda cute when the only thing they need is "mama".
I have more to say, I am back now. With Internet, even if my basement is in complete disarrays... More on that, later, too.
5 years ago
That mess sounds like a major pain in the a$$. Can't wait to see the pictures, though!
I agree - if you forgive, then you oughta forget, too.
Way to go Abby! She rules! And poor Wy-Wy. Hope it comes through soon!
Welcome back - I missed you!
My sister just had new hardwood floors done. They used a sander with a big vacuum attached to it and she said there was no dust at all. Does your place have something like that? That makes me nervous.
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