I am eating Mocha Fudge Frozen Yogurt. Completely fat free. I am sure it is full of chemicals and sugar and whatever but there is no FAT. Therefore, I feel good about eating it. And it is surprisingly good.
I steal something from Christine almost every time I go to her house. Maybe it is just hardwired in me from when I was little and stealing from her seemed to be my purpose in life, or at least my purpose in living down the hall from her.
Anyway, this summer I got 3 t-shirts and pair of jammie pants. Plus, I think Abby stole at least 1 Princess, with my encouragement.
Funny thing is, though, she gives me more than I could ever ask for - both purchased and handed down. And I admit it each time I steal, which generally results in her giving it to me anyway. But I still get a little thrill from having/wearing my big sister's stuff.
Today was so gorgeous outside. At one point in the afternoon I found myself sitting on my deck, having a popsicle with my kid, watching some birds playing (or possibly mating) while Jay mowed the lawn and Wyatt napped. It was just an amazingly gorgeous moment. I love my home and yard and children and husband.
Speaking of my kids - today Wyatt took one nap, 3 hours. I hope he does that from now on. It worked out so nicely and would fit wonderfully into our new Fall schedule. And Abby went on the potty every time today - no accidents. And she has been telling me she has to go almost as often as I ask her and she says yes. Meaning - she is becoming more aware of it on her own and knowing she has to go to the potty in time, not just remembering it when I mention it. Awesome.
This morning when Abby woke up, she came into our room, as she always does, and said "Good Morning! Did you get my balloon, mommy?" She was promised one purple balloon for her poops on the potty and she woke up with that balloon on her brain.
Not to worry - mommy DID get that balloon. She went to the Party Store last night and picked out a shiny, purple Helium Star and paid extra to have "ABBY" written on it. And it was SO worth it.
Today, even with promises of a "Princess Present", there was no poop. But there will be tomorrow. No one can go 2 days with watermelon and blueberries in their system.
Kimmie is taking me to the
Big E. Likely we'll take our kids with us since it's tough to leave a 2 & 1/2 year old, 10 month old and 7 month old home alone. I have never been to the Big E but she assures me it is like the
Hebron Harvest Fair on steroids. I can't wait to eat my way through it.
We recently joined NetFlix. I have now, finally, seen all of Season 1 of Grey's Anatomy and I so in love with the show, every character and becoming a doctor that I am beside myself with glee each day that I check the mailbox to see if the next disc is here for my viewing pleasure. Maybe tomorrow...
Any movies I should see that you absolutely loved? I am about ... how long have I been married? That many years behind.
On Wednesday the guy is coming to begin painting our house. We need all the wood trim re-stained, it's a maintenance thing so while I know it's necessary, I hate paying for "maintenance". When he's done with that, he will move into the basement. That's a job and a half, lemme tell ya. Jay & I have never hired anyone to paint before, 2 houses and many, many coats of various brands and colors... this time, we decided it was worth it.
Meanwhile, the other guy will be refinishing the hardwood on the first floor.
Then, in September we are having the basement carpet torn out and wood laminate put down. Our basement is getting a total makeover and I cannot WAIT.
Everything will be done in time for Wyatt's first bday party and that will be a lovely, lovely day. (Although I may cry the entire time. I can't believe how big my baby boy is now. Do you realize he is almost ready for whole milk? He hates baby food, only wants to feed himself. He is 10 months old. I probably have enough formula in the closet to finish off his first year. So fast. Really. The time goes by too fast.)