Thursday, April 14, 2011

Darling Diva

I would have judged me if I saw me with my little 5 year-old daughter yesterday.
I would have had thoughts like "Some things are meant for adults, this is why we're raising a generation of entitled, spoiled assholes."

You know what, though?
I would do it again.  In fact, I cannot wait to have a good, solid, reward-like reason to do it again.

My Abby was such a perfectly polite, lovely and mature young lady.  She was so happy to be pampered, she said "thank you" and "excuse me" and sat still and cooperated like this was a routine she had gotten used to years ago...

And while I know that taking your 5-year old daughter for a mani/pedi is not something to make "routine",  I do know that it was worth every minute, every penny and every ounce of self-control I will have to expend to not do it again...  tomorrow.

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