We love sleeping in the tent, snuggled up, listening to the sounds of the woods all around us.
We love cooking on the fire.
There is nothing as peaceful as being in the woods without noise, with nothing to do, listening to the crackle of the fire, eating when you're hungry, sleeping when you're tired, seeing the sun set and the stars come out, hearing crickets and woodland noises and allowing your body, mind and soul just R.E.L.A.X.
I am too tired to go through the weekend detail by detail so I will let the pictures tell the tale and I will refer you to the Egan's Blog, in case Kimmie is quicker or more detailed than myself.
Suffice it to say that we had a really great, really exhausting, really relaxing, really fun weekend.
We arrived on Friday afternoon just a few minutes after our friends, Dennis & Kim with their boy, Matthew. Adam, Chrissie and their boy, Timothy, arrived shortly after us.
Thankfully, he got it on properly.
Thankfully, he also set the tent up properly after packing everything properly, building the fire properly
and cooking all the food all weekend properly.
Did I say "Thank You", babe?
This weekend was symbolic of how you provide for and protect us all the time.
I cannot tell you how stinkin' cute this was. It was not planned.
Dennis had the 2 boys so my kids went over to him, too. Then Wyatt started yelling "cheese!"
so we quickly snapped the pics.
(Then Wyatt got mad and ran away so we grabbed him and threw him back in for the shot.
So, ok, it was a little staged but the kids started it!)
She was quite pleased.
I was, too, that is a rite of passage and I was thrilled for my girl.
We took this picture this morning, after we were all packed up and ready to leave.
Isn't that a great shot?
What are the chances that all of us would be looking and smiling with our eyes open all at the same time!?
This is just fantastic Liz. Although not my thing, I TOTALLY appreciate that you guys love doing this. What I appreciate is what it means to you all, as friends. I can see the connection in these photos and I can't wait to see more. While I REALLY REALLY love the first shot with the kids - the one with alll of you guys - THE BEST for sure. I love the guys scruffy looks - the girls with their kiddos - I just love it!! So glad it was all you wanted it to be!
That looks like so much fun....I can't wait until we are ready to camp again!
Great recap and pictures, Liz. It really was an awesome weekend. You guys are camping pros and really showed us the ropes!
LOVE that picture of Jay looking up to the heavens. We should have had him pray that we wouldn't freeze our asses off that night!!
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