Well, Wyatt sings the ABC's and Twinkle Twinkle. You can't quite make out each word but there is no mistaking what he's singing. He has more words and phrases, too. Every day he comes out with new stuff. The other day he woke up from his nap and he yelled "DADDY MOW!" And yes, Jay was mowing the lawn and Wyatt heard it.
He also sings and dances to the Wiggles like nobody's business. THe man loves The Wiggles and I pray every day that when I click on their website there is going to be an updated Tour Schedule with a CT date. I have never wanted to go to a concert so much in my life.
Jay won't let me buy tixx for a Long Island show. The Wiggles aren't worth that trip to him and I respect that, but I still really want to do it. I just know that Wyatt's head would explode if he got to see them live.
Abby, too. She loves them. Not with the same unbridled passion that Wyatt shows but she did. She DID love them that much when she was exactly his age.
Because when she was his age, he was a tiny baby and she was OBSESSED like he is now.
And I love them, too. I'll admit it.
Ok, I got off topic there. Sorry.
Anyway - Wyatt thinks he is such a big boy. We go to the beach, he plays with the big kids. Today I had to grab him before he went into the water with Abby's Swimming Lesson group. It was so cute and he was so ready!
He says "MOMMY" and "DADDY" with such an attitude - it's so funny, it's not a cute little baby saying "mama" or "dada" - it is a demand in one word.
He gets out of and into his carseat all by himself. And then he puts his fat little had up to mine and we hold hands to walk to wherever we're going.
Unless we are home. Then he just runs to grab his little bike and get right to playing.
Today he chased the cat into the woods. I didn't know if I was ever going to see him again. He is so brave and strong!
He eats more than a small man, too. His breakfast is usually 2 scrambled eggs with cheese with assorted fruits on the side followed by a strawberry Nutri-Grain Bar.
Anyway - Wyatt thinks he is such a big boy. We go to the beach, he plays with the big kids. Today I had to grab him before he went into the water with Abby's Swimming Lesson group. It was so cute and he was so ready!
He says "MOMMY" and "DADDY" with such an attitude - it's so funny, it's not a cute little baby saying "mama" or "dada" - it is a demand in one word.
He gets out of and into his carseat all by himself. And then he puts his fat little had up to mine and we hold hands to walk to wherever we're going.
Unless we are home. Then he just runs to grab his little bike and get right to playing.
Today he chased the cat into the woods. I didn't know if I was ever going to see him again. He is so brave and strong!
Abby. Well, she went from 3 to 15 overnight. She takes showers now. She's almost 3 and a half and she showers. She had showered a lot in the past - but it was a novelty, there wasn't a lot of actual soap involved. Now, she showers and she wants her PRIVACY!
She also dresses herself. She not only chooses the clothing, she puts it on herself. After she brushes her own teeth, washes her face and hands, goes potty and (attempts to) brush her hair.
And the way that she takes care of Wywy. Just melts my heart every single day.
Even when they disagree or don't play well together - I laugh because it is so cute and typical and funny how she yells at him.
Oh man, I wish I could cite an example right now. This sort of stuff just happens all day long - I don't really retain the specifics - I just enjoy them and store the feeling.
I think people who send "Friend Requests" to people they don't know, specifically just to advance their Crew in the game of Pirates, on Facebook are gigantic losers. Seriously.
I love summer so much. Yesterday, after swimming lessons Wyatt went down for his nap and Abby and I floated in the pool for about an hour.
Yes, sometimes I have guilt.
Today, after swimming lessons Wyatt napped and I did the bills & budget for July. That felt good - like I was accomplishing something. Then, when he woke up we went for a walk to see who was around "The Heights". Saw some neighbors we hadn't seen since school let out and that was really nice. Caught up on the the gossip, gave Abby & Wyatt some playtime and then headed home.
Jay was in the kitchen, after a long day of work, skewering Shrimp Kabobs.
Guilt again.
He's a good husband, isn't he?!
Tonight, I gave two kids a good washing (1 shower, 1 bath, of course - why make it simple?). I washed off suntan lotion, a little bug spray, a lot of sand and dirt and a lot of sweat. Then I put 2 clean, tan little bodies into some clean, comfy jammies (1 jammie dress, 1 Superman set complete with a cape!). I snuggled and sniffed those sweet little bodies and put them into their clean, soft beds.
Tomorrow I will put those clean little bodies into clean bathing suits and do it all over again.
I love the beach, I love summer and I love my cute little family living our cute little life here at 131.
Life is Good.
We saw the Wiggles a couple of times. They do put on a very cute show!! Good luck with getting to see them. The kids would definitely have a blast!
And as far as the kids - wow. Seriously where does the time go? But I have to say with 3 and even with 2 - each one transforms into such different little people, that the anxiety over how fast they are growing is overshadowed by each and every new thing we marvel at. Noticing all the little things makes parenting a joy - every single day.
And I hear ya' on the little guilty feeling you get when your husband does things over and above just going to work everyday and busting his butt. I have momentary pangs of guilt - but have to stop and think that I don't stop to see everything I do to contribute to the relationship. It all goes back to your post on relationships - the give and take of a perfect marriage.
And the finish - I think I love summer more......just kidding.
I agree, Gini - I truly celebrate each of my kids' unique-ness and each new "stuff" that comes with each day/month/year.
It's so awesome.
I also agree - WHOLEHEARTEDLY - that you like summer more.
Part of my love for summer is that I know Fall & Winter are right around the corner. For as gorgeous as your desert shots are, I'll stay in the Northeast. Thanks. :)
I would have to agree with you, Liz. The difference in Abby & Wyatt between the Quarterly and last weekend is just unbelievable. They really are growing and changing so much these days.
Liz - I hope to never leave the impression on you or anyone else for that matter, that I think desert living is any better than living anywhere else. For now this is it. In the future, who knows what that holds. But where ever it may bring me, I will enjoy appreciating that environment and what it brings to my life.
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