Thursday, May 14, 2009

Florida Trip
Day Six

Today we spent a lazy morning in the house.
Abby is still running a fever and complaining of a sore throat. She is also very whiny and clingy with very little appetite.
Miss Thing in her Watermelon Jammie dress and Auntie Dink's hair wrap.

And if you know Abby you know that whiny, clingy and no-appetite are NOT her style. So, we layed low in the morning.

We revved it up in the afternoon, though.
Wywy is ready to go!

Headed north to Tampa to visit an old friend.
Scott got married (eloped) and bought a house since our last visit to Fla so we went up to meet the wife and see the house.

I am so sorry I didn't take a picture of Jay with his oldest and best friend, nor did I take a picture of the happy couple. Sucks when you miss those obvious shots, ya know?
But - their home is absolutely gorgeous - right out of Better Homes & Gardens. And Jen was a gracious and lovely hostess. Abby really liked her and I suspect it was mutual. I look forward to having more time to get to know Mrs. Newman.

We also stopped in to see Scott's parents. They were happy to see us and that was mutual, as well. Scott's Dad had a stroke and he is in a wheel chair but aside from that he was the same happy, welcoming guy I remembered. It was really nice to have the time to make that visit.

Friends and Family are important.
And taking the time to remember and recognize that is what life is all about.

After our Tampa visit we went back south and stopped in St. Pete to see my parents. They have a 7th floor apartment overlooking Boca Ciega Bay (I think that's what it is, it's a Bay, either way) in the same complex that my grandparents' apartment was my entire life (and still is, even though my grandparents aren't in it anymore).
Jay and my Dad looking out at the water from the balcony.

We visited for a bit and then headed out to Crabby Bill's for dinner. Jay and I were aching for raw oysters and grilled Grouper sandwiches.
Crabby's did not disappoint and neither did that Florida weather as we watched lightning pierce St. Pete Beach while getting drenched in an absolute sky-opening downpour. Gotta love it.
We purchased a great souvenier photo ("only $10 for 2!!") that I will scan in when we get home. At least we got that shot!

We drove home in the rain (we would literally drive out of it and watch it catch up to us before we got out of it again to wait for it again.) We stopped at McDonald's so that Abby and Mommy could pee. ("Look, mama! They sell Icecream here!" Cutie. She has no idea what McD's is and I love that.)

I wrapped up this night watching the 2-hour Season Finale Event of Grey's Anatomy.
And seriously - not since I was a high school girl in love with Dylan while trying to be Brenda have I loved a television show so much... I cannot believe I have to wait until the weather is turning cold again to find out how this is all going to work itself out... Crazy.

So, tomorrow night at this time I will be packing up, cleaning up and wrapping up this most fabulous week of relaxation, resting, sisterly bonding, husband and children quality time, beach, pool & eating heaven. I doubt I will blog. I will be returning, slowly but surely to my wound-up-too-tight life of organization and micro-management.
But I am so glad I blogged each day up to now. I am so glad I captured each day's memories.

And I am so glad my husband made this trip happen. Because without him.
Well... I wouldn't have any money so I couldn't have come. hee hee
Thanks, babe. Love you.


Kim said...

Hope Abby's feeling all better.

Sounds like another great day in FLA. I'm so happy that you guys have had such a fabulous week. You'll come back to attack that organization and micro-management refreshed and renewed.

Oh, and thanks, now I'm dying for a grilled grouper sandwich...

Allison said...

I second Kimmy on now wanting fish--I used to travel to FL for work a week at a time and ate the local seafood every night. YUM! Looks like you had a great time!

Gini said...

Really nice watching you relax while we all are at home stressed out of our minds....just kidding. It's always good to be home, too, amidst all the chaos that is our life. And I here you in your last paragraph. I don't know if I thank my husband enough for providing for us.