Sunday, May 10, 2009

Florida Trip

Day One

Wywy's first plane ride (Abby's third, not that she remembers).
Waking up at 4:30, taking off at 8:00 proved to be too much for his little body.
He knocked out somewhere over Delaware.

**Worth Noting**
As we stepped off the gate and into Tampa International I was feeling very nostalgic.
I said to Jay, "it's weird to get here and my parents (or grandparents) aren't here to pick me up."
But I didn't get to finish my sentence because, Surprise! There they were!
My Auntie Frannie landed a few minutes before us so they came up to our gate to greet us.
I was so surprised and happy!

On the drive to Bradenton! We have a Rav4, a surprisingly roomy, small SUV.
Abby fell asleep a minute after this picture, Wyatt hung in there.

We wasted no time.
Dropped our stuff, stripped down and jumped in.

This, my friends, is why he works as hard as he does.


Anonymous said...

Unlikely to Blog? That's like not drinking on vacation, right?


Kim said...

Glad to see you guys are already having a good time. That pool looks fabulous - I am hella-jealous!!

Allison said...

JUST LOOK at how GORGEOUS your blue blue eyes are in that pic on the plane!

Gini said...

That didn't take long to start the party huh? Already in the pool....RIGHT ON! Now THAT'S a vacation!! Have fun.