Got my hair cut today.
It's a much better cut in that it is the actual cut I wanted in the first place.
But, unfortunately, since my first cut was so not what I wanted, the front of my hair is
too short for today's cut to be perfect.
I will say, though, that the woman who cut my hair today did exactly what I was asking for
and therefore, I scheduled my next cut with her.
The front has to grow but basically - I want my hair to look like Kate's from Jon & Kate+8.
I do find it very annoying that I had to refer to Kate to get the style I want.
It's a much better cut in that it is the actual cut I wanted in the first place.
But, unfortunately, since my first cut was so not what I wanted, the front of my hair is
too short for today's cut to be perfect.
I will say, though, that the woman who cut my hair today did exactly what I was asking for
and therefore, I scheduled my next cut with her.
The front has to grow but basically - I want my hair to look like Kate's from Jon & Kate+8.
I do find it very annoying that I had to refer to Kate to get the style I want.

The same style that Posh Beckham wears.

It annoys me because I basically invented that hair cut when I was in high school.
I wore my hair that way for years, years ago.
And now, as I try to recreate what has always been a fabulous cut on me, it seems lost on people. "People" meaning the woman who owns the salon that I have been going to,
"people" being my hair stylist.
It's not her fault. It's mine. I should have brought a picture.
When I got home, I pulled out my professional hair cutting scissors and
fixed a few random spots that probably didn't need fixing.
Then, Abby asked me to cut her hair.
She has been asking me to.
I have been saying no because I suspect she doesn't really understand that once it's off,
it doesn't come back right away.
And the girl has gorgeous hair. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.
I fight with her.
When I have to brush it.
So, I offered her some bangs. She was thrilled. I did it.
Then I wanted to vomit.
My precious, gorgeous baby girl's hair!
All one length, curly and perfect.
I chopped bangs into it!
And I HATE bangs!
Abs - if you should ever read this - know this:
you look absolutely adorable.
And I am not just saying that.
Fortunately for you - you are so stinkin' cute,
a mohawk would look adorable on your precious little face!
Luckily for me, that is so true.
Because, really.
If you've seen Christmas Vacation, then you know -
by cutting bangs into my otherwise perfectly coifed baby girl's head,
I basically gave her a "Ruby Sue".
I will bring her to a professional after the weekend. I swear.
It annoys me because I basically invented that hair cut when I was in high school.
I wore my hair that way for years, years ago.
And now, as I try to recreate what has always been a fabulous cut on me, it seems lost on people. "People" meaning the woman who owns the salon that I have been going to,
"people" being my hair stylist.
It's not her fault. It's mine. I should have brought a picture.
When I got home, I pulled out my professional hair cutting scissors and
fixed a few random spots that probably didn't need fixing.
Then, Abby asked me to cut her hair.
She has been asking me to.
I have been saying no because I suspect she doesn't really understand that once it's off,
it doesn't come back right away.
And the girl has gorgeous hair. G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S.
I fight with her.
When I have to brush it.
So, I offered her some bangs. She was thrilled. I did it.
Then I wanted to vomit.
My precious, gorgeous baby girl's hair!
All one length, curly and perfect.
I chopped bangs into it!
And I HATE bangs!
Abs - if you should ever read this - know this:
you look absolutely adorable.
And I am not just saying that.
Fortunately for you - you are so stinkin' cute,
a mohawk would look adorable on your precious little face!
Luckily for me, that is so true.
Because, really.
If you've seen Christmas Vacation, then you know -
by cutting bangs into my otherwise perfectly coifed baby girl's head,
I basically gave her a "Ruby Sue".
I totally gave Hannah her first haircut. She had the most gorgeous blond curls you could imagine. Once I cut her hair - they DISAPPEARED.....FOREVER. I know what you mean about wanting to vomit. They have never EVER come back. I never forgave myself for that. She never remembered it.
That's a real cute cut (Kate and Posh, not Ruby Sue!). Sounds like you've got it on the path to where you want it to be. Sometimes it's a process.
I'm sure Abby looks just adorable. You could shave her head and she'd still look cute. I don't dare go near Matthew's hair with scissors. Don't trust myself to not do a total hack job. We took him yesterday for his 4th, yes 4th, cut in 16 months. Crazy, I know, but I love how it looks when it's trimmed up!
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