Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My brother recently called me to tell me that they are expecting a new baby girl in May. Another girl. They have a 5 year old girl. My sister has 2 girls, my other sister has 1 and I have 1. Fun. Lots of pretty little princesses.

Uncle Wardie & Aunt T
He's pointing at the new baby and she's wishing he wasn't.
"Why can't he just smile and take a nice picture?!"

When I asked him if he was relieved - I knew he was hoping for a girl, it's always nice to feel like you know what to expect and he is a very good daddy to his daughter - he said "yes. I feared projectile peeing."

Isn't it funny what people think of?

So, as I was changing my baby boy tonight, getting him ready for night-nights, I was looking at his little "stuff" and thinking "are you about to shoot me in the eye?" I think that most nights.
And considering he peed on me the second they pulled him out of my belly, literally - he peed all over my open gut - we thought we were really in for it.
And when he was a tiny baby he probably did pee a lot.
One time he did pee almost directly into my mouth. Amazing how fast and high that stream can come at you. Combine the speed and strength of that with the exhaustion and slow-moving-unable-to-think way about you in the weeks after giving birth, you're bound to get nailed. But I only remember that one time.
Maybe there were others but I only really remember that one time.

With my daughter, however, I remember several times that she was getting changed and I would be going about my duties, not even knowing that she peed until she is dry, clean and diapered and I go to pull her onesie and clothing back down and I feel that her entire back is soaked.

See, baby girls don't "shoot", they "spread".

If a baby boy pees, you know it, and you can follow the stream to clean up the target.
If a baby girl pees, she leaks downward and everything underneath her is soaked.

Anyway - with this impending new baby in our family, I finally have a reason to empty my house of all things "baby girl". I already have - and continue to empty all things "baby boy" for Baby Ben, Wyatt's bff. But now I can finally say goodbye to all the storage-sucking tidbits of baby girl stuff.

This is Baby Ben, after hours. What a sweetie pie in his sleeper, eh? Auntie Rach is holding him. You should save this picture, someone other than his mommy holding him is a rare occurrence.

If I have stuff that my new niece doesn't need or want, I can donate it. I can be done.
Jay is relieved. More storage space! Hooray.
I was excited too, I am happy to be passing my stuff on and happy to have the storage room, too. But as I gather stuff up and pack it to go - I am feeling very sad... I really am done having babies.

We have two perfect, gorgeous, amazingly fabulous, delicious and wonderful babies. We're done. We're blessed. We're happy. We're content.
So, why so blue, Panda Bear?

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'd say you're blue because you were made to be a Mom, and the joy you get from taking care of a little one who relies on you for every single thing is beyond measure.

And who's to say that at some point down the line, you don't end up in a different place? You never know the turns life may take.