My apologies.
Michele has informed me that I have crossed a line on Facebook. I have to agree. I'm hooked. I should quit cold turkey. For now, I just took it out of my Bookmarks. We'll see if that helps.
Anyway - my Big Girl's birthday is all wrapped up and put away. Today she was collecting all the mostly-dead balloons and putting them in the kitchen garbage telling me "my birfday is all ovah, mommy. I am puttin' these in the trash." Yes, half-inflated balloons. No, she didn't fit more than a few. But I appreciated the effort.
At 3 years old she is 38 inches tall and 38 pounds. Hysterical.
And perfect.
Wywy is equally perfect at 24 pounds.
This weekend I was exhausted and emotional and now I'm sick. Exhausted and emotional usually precede "sick". But you know what else preceded sick in this instance? In October we hosted 40+ people for Wyatt's first birthday. In November we hosted 30+ for my mother-in-law's 60th. We hosted Christmas Eve for 20. And this past weekend we had Abby's 3rd birthday party and while we invited about 44, only about 32 came. phew.
On top of those, throw in regular holiday hoopla, charity drives and baking and shopping and wrapping and cap it off with Jay's new job with all the new travel.
We haven't stopped since October. September if you want to include the 3-week trip to Amsterdam. No wonder I am freakin' wiped. I am taking it easy for a while. For a long, hermit-like while.
Here are a few pics from the big party:
I think there are some girls that actually DO look like a princess. One of those is definitely YOUR daughter! She wears that tiara like a pro. Sounds like you got it all over me in the party throwing department!! Good for you. Time to take a break.
My sister beat me to it - time to take a break, my friend!
I just LOVE the picture of her with the Obama mask!
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