Thursday, January 22, 2009

In ten minutes, 3 years ago, I remember saying "is it too late to change my mind? can I have that epidural now?"
I had been in labor for about 9 hours, I had really intended to do it "au natural". I had a "birth plan". I had Monks Chanting on my IPod and kept the lights low.
I bounced on the ball and crouched by the end of the bed. I walked and walked and walked... I sat on the toilet about 44 times thinking I had to crap but no, I just really wanted to push. (It really feels the same.)
And you know what?
In about 7 hours, 3 years ago, my baby girl was born.
I had been sleeping rather peacefully for a few hours, epidural in place, husband by my bedside, a nervous wreck. And Dr. Grant came to me and said "things are not going as well as we had hoped. you should be progressing much faster than you are and your baby girl is not comfortable in there. I think it's time we do a cesaerian."
I remember looking into her face. I remember feeling a quick, deep shot of fear. And then, as if we were on a sitcom I remember Dr. Grant saying to Jay "I think someone needs a hug."
bwahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!! Can you imagine?! Telling my husband, MY husband, that I, I, need a HUG?! ew.
It was just the right amount of funny at a very scary moment.
Long story short - Abigail Jeanne was born at 4:50am on January 23rd, 2006 via emergency C-section. She came out screaming, gorgeous and perfect.

In these 3 years I have watched her grow and learn. I have watched every second of her life. Every moment. Every milestone. I am home with her, I am with her. I am so very blessed and so very grateful that I am able to dedicate my life to her (and to her brother). She has and is becoming this amazing little person. She is kind, sensitive, funny, thoughtful, respectful, beautiful and smart. So smart that we can see how trouble may be brewing for us in the future. But you know what? I'll take it. I'll take every bit of trouble she wants to hand me. Her independence, her intelligence, her confidence. I will take whatever they can hand me. And then some.

Tomorrow is her birthday. Tomorrow I will celebrate her all day long. She is so excited. I am so excited. Her Daddy will come home and he is so excited for her, too.
Saturday is her party. A Princess Party. And she is beside herself with excitement.
I am cooking, baking, cleaning and decorating. And she is dancing and singing and laughing and playing.

Life is Good.




Kim said...

Love that picture of little Squeaks! Gosh, how much she's grown in 3 fast years!

Love her! Happy Birthday, Abs!

Gini said...

Happy third birthday to Abby! If I am reading this right Liz, she holds an very special place in your heart. Gotta love the first born. Every moment is a memory forever embedded in your mind.