And I find myself thinking "oh, please, hold onto that!" AND I find myself thinking "how can I nurture all of those positive traits while keeping her sweet and polite and NOT completely stubborn and independent with all that confidence and intelligence?!?"
Being a mother is not for the faint of heart. Or the LAZY!
Let's stroll down memory lane a little, shall we?

March, 2006. If anyone came NEAR my precious newborn, I FREAKED the FUCK out! (Seriously, I had issues.)

Christmas, 2006 - 11 months old. (Coincidentally, Wyatt got a lot of wear from that sleeper this year.)

Summer, 2007 - she is about 19 months here.

Yes, I paid for this professional portrait for her 2nd Birthday!
This is from this past July, when I decided to cut Abby's hair myself. Curls are very forgiving.
So, I talked to Deborah this morning... we talk at least once a week. Sometimes we get very busy and we miss a week. Sometimes we are bored and talk 5 times ina week. It varies but we stay in touch with eachother's day to day very well, considering we live on separate continents.
So, she and her hubby were getting ready for a datenight and the sitter was on the way and they still hadn't decided what to do with their alone time.
I think we all know that WHAT you do is not nearly as important as just doing it.
But, that's not my point. At all, actually. Man, I am so scatterbrained tonight.
My point is this... they have a sitter. They trust her, they use her pretty regularly.
How do you find a sitter that you can truly trust and feel confident to leave with your children? I mean, obviously, my niece and nephew are adorable. I am sure they are very well behaved for the sitter, I know their parents are not pushovers. And I have no doubt that whomever babysits them loves them and barely considers it work.
But what about those kids out there that aren't so cute? Aren't so good? What about the smelly, annoying, rude kids?
Are we so blind to our own children's annoying traits? What if they are not as cute as we think?
Do people with kids that are ugly or annoying or smelly or just plain unlikeable, know it?
Do you think there are people out there who look at their kids and think "I love you more than life itself - but let's face it, you ain't winning any contests for prettiest baby or best kid to hangout with, so let's just try to get by with what you've got and we'll figure it out as we go?!"
I don't know... I am just glad that MY kids are so freakin' awesome.
Oh yeah, one last thing - one of my fav-o-rite books ever is coming out in the movies!!!
From the commercials, the main character does not seem to have a British accent which is ridiculously WRONG, but I am still so excited to see it!
I broke down and gave Hannah her first haircut - gosh I don't know, maybe she was 2 or 3. Anyhoo - all her gorgeous curls - yeah - cut them right off and the NEVER came back. Shame on me! As far as babysitters - in 11 years I have only had 3 babysitters. It was very very hard to find someone, let alone someone I trusted. Now Hannah is the babysitter. Bill and I sure missed out on a lot of alone time but we can make up for it now that the babysitter lives with us!! ha ha
I can't even believe Abby is going to be 3! In my mind, she's still as little in those early pictures!
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