He is a really good dog. He isn't really big on... listening... coming when he's called... not jumping on people, young or old... not eating baby bottles, cheese crackers, Lambies, whatever... But there is something about this dog, you only have to meet him once. He is a good dog. He is a dog's dog. And he is so soft and he just looks at you like "love me. please." And you will.
He was stranded in New Orleans after Katrina. He was rescued and cleaned up and then rescued to his new, permanent home here on Charles Lane. And he is a happy boy.
Here's Baxter's house, look at that Autumn sky:

Here's the view, looking down, when you are a 2 & 1/2 year old, swinging in Baxter's backyard:

And here's that view, looking up:

Good day.
Hey--I'm in on the Franklin Ave deli bus tour! Let's do it!
I lOVE Baxter! I have always always always wanted a yellow lab. So great that you rescued him--I rescued mine too.
He's not my rescue, though we do have a few. He's my neighbor. :)
What a cute pooch!!
OK, that picture looking up makes my stomach queasy...
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