Thursday, March 1, 2012

It Snowed!

It snowed all day yesterday.
I went to the gym in the morning (I'm a runner now, ya know), hit the bank, got everything done just in time for the flurries to start coming down.  School was early dismissal which canceled PM Kindergarten so our afternoon was cozy and snow-covered!
I made soup in the Crock-Pot.  Had a nice dinner of steak with sautéed portabellas and spinach casserole.  Read stories and tucked the kids in early.  Both kids were asleep by 7:30 and right now, at 8:15am, Abby is still asleep.

Today my day will be relatively easy.  I have laundry to finish, floors to sweep and a few errands to run.  But the trick to today is that it will be the first couple of hours of alone time that I've had in 3 weeks.
I am not complaining about 10 days in Florida.  I am not complaining about babysitting.  I am not complaining about spending time in school with my kids.  In fact, I didn't even notice, really, until I started to think about what my day was bringing.
I have not had time alone since Thursday, February 9th.  And I am going to really enjoy the silence this afternoon.

I am watching Survivor this season.  You might have figured that out from my previous post of outrage.  It's better than Biggest Loser, the show I force myself to watch even though it's full of completely unlikable, fat, whiney losers.
I am watching a lot of shows this season, actually.  And recording even more.
I love The Voice.  Blake, Adam, CeeLo and Christina are the greatest foursome to hit tv...  ever.  (ok, can't think of a good comparison.)

There are several shows that started and when I read about them they sounded great but I have yet to watch them.  I am waiting to see if they are worth it.  If they're all hype and turn out to be crap, I will just delete them.
One that I recorded and haven't watched yet is Once Upon a Time.  And from everything I have read and heard it looks like it is going to be great.
I am recording Smash and Grimm, too.  Neither one looks like something I will ever wind up watching, though.
And I was excited about PanAm and recorded that, as well, but I think it was already canceled.
I have The River on dvr, keep thinking Jay will watch it with me but I think his tv-dance card is full right now.  We are watching Alcatraz, though and that's turning out to be pretty cool.  Only about 3 weeks in, but so far so good.
I am really excited about the new show, Good Christian Bitches.  I think it starts this week and unlike most of these others, I will be watching live.
Stand-bys that never fail to provide and I hope never leave me include Grey's, Parenthood and the newest "old stand by", 2 Broke Girls.
Jay wants to watch Awake.  I set the dvr but not sure I care.
As much as I like Chelsea Handler, her show really sucks.

Reading through this you would really think that all I do is watch tv...  but I actually only watch it at night, and generally ff through commercials.  I have this deep feeling of shame, like we're not supposed to admit how much we like tv.  And in addition to this stuff, I can't tell you how many PBS specials I don't admit to enjoying or how many trashy/informative cable shows I watch.  Whether I admit it or not, the tv is pretty much always on in our house.  Sometimes 2 or 3 of them!

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