Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A time to Give Thanks.
I wrote this letter to the pastor of our church this morning and thought it was worth sharing with my friends, too:

I wanted to thank you for your message in the November newsletter. I love reading the monthly letter, it keeps me caught up even with my absence from regular sunday services. And feeling like a part of the church is important to me.

This month, specifically, I loved your message because Thanksgiving is, by far, my favorite holiday.

I am so thankful for the opportunity to be with friends and family at the most beautiful time of year. I love the long drive to NY, talking with my husband, listening to Christmas music, hearing my kids chirping (talking non-stop, really) in the back seat.
I look at the trees this time of year and thank God for the beauty he has shown us as they change from green to orange, yellow or red and then brown. And then I thank Him for giving them the strength to stand through the winter, barren, but with hope for a green, beautiful spring.
My mother hosts Thanksgiving and everyone is in such good spirits, happy to be together with nothing to do but eat, drink and enjoy each other. I love that day with my family.

I look at my children, daily, and I thank Him for their health, for their happiness, for the beautiful, warm home that they live in, for the dedicated husband that works so hard at the job that God has provided for him and for our health and our ability to enjoy each day with our family.

I know that I am not perfect, by any stretch, but I take the good with the bad and I try to stay positive. I thank God for my daily blessings and I lean on Him and take comfort in my faith when things are not so good.
I never shove my religion down anyone's throat, but I do my part in sharing the peace that it gives me, I hope that being open and honest about how much loving God brings me peace and security that someone who is not so "in tune" might consider it, maybe reach out... I believe that is what I am "supposed" to do as it suits my personality and doesn't scare anyone off.

So, thank you, Pastor. All of this comes from your November newsletter, it was good timing, it made me take inventory of myself and remind myself of my blessings and remind me to share my thankfulness. (Maybe I will cut and paste this onto my Blog!!)

With thanks & love,

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a beautiful letter. We have so very much to be thankful for. Every year at this time I really stop and think about all the things I'm thankful for, and the amazing thing is, there are more and more every year. God is good.

On a completely unrelated note - my word verification for this post is actually a real word instead of just jibberish. How exciting!