Fortunately, my grossly under-diagnosed ADD and OCD were here to keep me company. I folded about 6 loads of laundry, put away the summer stuff from the pool (that we closed Thursday), organized, cleaned... I don't know, but I kept busy.
Then, of course, I watched 2 episodes of Grey's Anatomy, Season 3.
I did manage to feed my children a decent dinner of baked chicken and veggies, with a side of cheddar cheese...

And when they went to bed, I invited a few friends over to help me through the rest of the evening...

Now, at 2 & 1/2 she can converse, plan, articulate, make-believe - like a 4 or 5 year old.
Truly. She is gifted. ;)
She talks and talk and talks and talks. She only stops talking to sing or yell. And as I was sitting on the couch tonight, watching tv but withe monitors extra loud in the kitchen, I could hear my little chatterbox, fast asleep, having a full on conversation with who I think was "Cassie" from DragonTales.
Every night, that kid talks in her sleep. Loud, long conversations.
I have never gone in to check on her during a sleep-convo, as much as I'd love to see what she's doing while she chats, because ... well, she's not crying or in any danger... I don't hear anyone talking back. And who am I to disrupt a good dream?
More on the 3-W-E as it progresses...
Congrats on getting through night 1. You're gonna do just fine, and it'll be a great reunion when he gets back.
I see we share the same friends! =)
" Oh no! I don't have anymore pink milk! I have an idea! Lets go back to Grammie's and get some mo!"
I am glad to see your kids loving the tunnel! WyWy has a new mode of time travel and he can retire his cardboard box!
It was a fun weekend!
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