I am working on completing my collection of Bing & Grondahl Christmas plates. It's a Danish company - Porcelain Christmas Plates - they spit one out each year and I have them from 1960, only missing 1999, 2002, 4, 6, 7, 8... man - those are some expensive freakin' plates. But, if you know me, you know that my OCD will not allow me to leave those holes in my perfectly aligned, perfectly fitted line up along my dining room walls.

Each day I take care of my 2 kids, then at 3:30 I take care of 2 more kids, then by 6 or 7, I'm freakin' tired. I sit and watch tv.
I guess I will find my groove again. Get dinner on the table at a decent hour, a meal worthy of a family dinner. One night, last week, I think, I made Sloppy Joes. Then, my neighbor stopped by while I was serving it and I was embarrassed. I made them at Jay's request, but when I stepped out of myself and looked at the situation, I realized that Sloppy Joes is not a dinner that I was proud to serve my family. I don't do Hamburger Helper, either - ick. No amount of "fresh veggies" can make that shit a healthy, happy meal. The commercials bother me to no end. I make well balanced, healthy, delicious dinner. And I serve it, hot, to my husband and children, when my husband gets home from work. I don't do flavored meat in a pan. (Ok, save for tacos. We love tacos.)
I have been getting Netflix like it's my job. Tomorrow I will start season 3 of Grey's Anatomy. Don't tell me what happens. I hope I can get through 2 seasons in 2 weeks, Season 5 Premiers on the 25th... for months I thought it was 4. Now I'm in a rush.
Abby's going on the potty full time these days. She's fabulous.
Wyatt is a dancing fool, doesn't sit still EVER. He is standing on his own, cruising across furniture and he crawls faster than the wind. I suspect he will walk by the time his birthday rolls in, probably before that.
This morning, Abby was trying on her winter hats, she kept telling me she was going skating. For a kid that hasn't even been walking a year, she's got big plans.

Wrapped this giftie up today for our Goddaughter who started school yesterday:
Basement floor's getting done next week. More paint, too, my bedroom and the upstairs hall and stairway. In fact, when the painter is done early next week, this entire house will be painted according to my taste, short the 2 upstairs bathrooms, but who cares - that job would be more than paint and not necessary yet. If ever.
Wanna know what I got planned for 131 Charles?
- new front door, with glass to allow more light.
- Slider installed in the basement
- add small bathroom with stall shower in the basement
- hardwood in Living Room (replacing nasty carpet); Area Rug
- New carpet throughout upstairs
- Get the windows cleaned professionally
- Tile countertops/backsplash in the kitchen
- paint Master & Hall/Stairs
- 2nd level deck around the pool with connector to rebuilt main deck off of kitchen
- seal the driveway
- Weedpaper and Decorative rock along the chimney side of the house
- new corner piece in LR
- accent furniture in K/DR/LR
- Tile Front entryway (replacing shitty linoleum)
- New light fixtures in Dining Room
- Paint fireplace doors to cover tacky brass
And all of this is for me, not for resale, but most of it will increase the value of my home, too. An added bonus.
Well, I think that's it for now... getting back into my Bloggin-Groove.

1 comment:
I hear ya - I keep meaning to blog but haven't followed through. Glad you are, though!
OMG, I love sloppy joes! We had them a couple of weeks ago. I think they're perfectly fine, as long as you're not eating them every night!
Love, love that picture of Abby in her hat!
Man, you've got some serious plans for the house. Sounds like Extreme Home Makeover!
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