Monday, June 16, 2008

A few thoughts - none earth-shattering but hopefully helpful to a few of you!
  1. Buy the cheapest diapers to start. They might work out just fine and won't you be so lucky that they are so cheap?? If not, you can always upgrade.
  2. Use store-brand formula. It is so heavily regulated that they are the all the same thing (more or less).
  3. Your baby needs a onesie - all the time. Unless it is wicked hot or you are already snapping something else in her crotch, in which case she might need a sweater. :)
  4. Breastfeed. I don't mean this in a "soap-boxy" way, I just think about the first few months when all I needed for a trip out with my babe was my boobs and a couple diapers! EASY!
  5. Breathe. You have so little control over anything anymore. Enjoy it, you will again soon.
  6. Your baby that does not walk yet does not need shoes. Even if they match.
  7. Pacifiers are great, but thumbs do not get dropped or lost.
  8. No two babies may be alike, no two mommies may be a like, but most mother in laws are very aggrivating.
  9. Your stroller will never be as good as your friend's.
  10. Snap the middle snap of your onesie first, this will allow the sides to get snapped without twisting the material up.

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