Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does Anyone Else See Spots?

This has been a very mild winter.
Yes, we got slammed by Irene in August and then again by Alfred 8 weeks later...  but I am feeling light-headed because I feel like I have been holding my breath for 3 months.

We're in Florida right now and the weather is...  mild.  Not too hot, not cold.  I haven't been sweating and dying to jump into the pool.  I have been enjoying the warm sun without the need for a quick cool-down.
We have been swimming, we have been int he Gulf and the pool.
So, not too-too hot, but not so cool that we can't swim and wear sundresses.

The kids and I spent 2 nights at Grammy's.  Thursday we headed to the Orlando International Hyatt to meet Jay.  We spent the evening strolling the mall/airport and the next day we spent at the Roof Pool.  That was cool.
Friday afternoon we checked into our timeshare/condo for the week.
Saturday was spent visiting with good friends of ours that live down here.

And Sunday...  we headed to Disneyworld!!
Sunday at Disney was - By Far - the greatest day of our vacation.
Color me brainwashed.  Call me a stereotype.  Put the Mickey ears on...  we loved it.  Every ride, every character, every employee, every sight and experience...  it blew away my expectations.  Every single bit was so much better than I expected it to be.
I cried at least a half dozen times, for various reasons.  Overwhelmed.  It was awesome.

This morning we decided we had had enough "Cow Country" and headed for the Gulf.  We spent the day at the beach, the pool and then - out to dinner with Grammy.
We're in a Marriott now and Life.  Is.  Good.  I do love a Marriott.

We'll head home tomorrow night.  It's been a wonderful week+ and I am feeling so blessed and so happy and so content and warm & fuzzy and happy....
And full.
Fat, really...

I am so happy that there is absolutely no food in my house right now...  So ready for a clean slate, fresh start and a healthy turnaround...
Fresh, healthy, fat-free, sugar-free, exercise-packed lifestyle.  Because if you put aside all the happy, mushy, "we're so fortunate" crap from the week, a definite takeaway is this:
I cannot take this fat ass into summer.  I will not.

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