Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My little man has so many words and phrases and sentences now.
"where are you"
"I need..."
"I do..."
"I'm all done."
"I hunggy."
"I kee-kee."  (I'm thirsty.)
And he knows everyone's name and uses them approipriately...  "Okay, Mama."  "Here ya go, Abby."  "Oh!  Daddy's Home!!"
And if you sneeze, he says "God Bless You!" and is he sneezes and you say it, he'll thank you by name, as well.
He says "Excuse me" when he's done eating.  He says "thank you" when you hand him something and he says "please" when he asks for it.

It's so odd that with Abby, words, sentences, phrases, meanings - even tone and sarcasm - came to her so easily, so early and quickly that it was happening before I would have even known to think about it.
And with Wyatt the same can be said about climbing, crawling, running, jumping, balancing, throwing...  all things physical, basically.
Totally different kids.  Both totally awesome.  Both rounding out their 2nd Years as totally perfect little people.

And they're so nice to each other.  They just love each other so much.
And not because we tell them to, not because when, occasionally, one of them hits or hurts the other one or says something mean, we tell them to apologize.  But because they would have anyway.  Because when they go and apologize - the hurt one truly accepts it and they hug each other and giggle and re-begin their play as if they couldn't imagine NOT playing with each other.  They are best friends.

Wyatt loves his people.  He really, really loves so much.  He loves his sister and mama and daddy.  Of course.

But you should hear him go on when he sees someone outside of his immediate circle that he hasn't seen in a while!
"DAVE!"  He screams and takes off running at the mere glimpse of our friend & neighbor, Baby Jack's daddy, Dave.  He cries when Dave leaves him.  (We run into Dave a lot!)

And "NONO"!!  (My sister, Christine, aka "Tono".)  He pretends to be on the phone with Nono a lot.  A lot, a lot.

And today, looking at picture son my Macbook he screamed "BANE!", which I realized was his pronunciation of "Ben", his best friend, my best friend's baby boy.

He loves his grandparents - all 4 - even though he doesn't see them all a lot.  He really, really adores them, especially his Papa and Grambear.  He is a guy's guy!

I could go on, and really, I have the people, the stories and the pictures to tell you about every single person that Wyatt loves.  Up to and including the ladies that work at Ted's and our cleaning person, Paulo.  He loooooves Paulo!

My kids are good kids.  I am happy with how they are turning out - even if it is only a few years in - I see good things.

And tomorrow, we'll head to Target for a photo shoot for Wyatt's 2nd Birthday.  I can't wait!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Great kids...great pictures!