I have been refrigerating my coffee grounds for my entire adult life, and my mother keeps hers in the freezer.
And you will be hard up to find a more coffee-driven family in your lifetime.
Crazy, huh?
But I will not argue with Dunkin, they know their coffee.
Now I just have to figure out how to keep myself from going to get the coffee from the fridge. Perhaps I will store it with the filters and mugs. What an interesting thought.
I am the worst Dog-Mommy ever.
I left Pete out today.
All day.
I left, with the kids at 10:30 and got home around 9:30 and Pete was there, in the driveway with a big dog-happy grin on his face.
Is this because he, in his pea-brain, thinks I was only gone a few minutes?
Or, is he smarter than those non-dog-loving-book-writers say and he was just friggin happy to be able to go in, eat and sleep in the warm bed that is inteneded for my husband and I?
I'll leave that up for debate. I believe my dogs think, feel and love. Try to prove otherwise. Dare ya.

That reminds me.
I once had a debate with my Pastor about whether or not dogs (any pets or animals, really) go to heaven.
He said "no, they don't have souls or conscious thought to accept Jesus." So I said, "so, where do they go?" and he said "no where, they have no soul that carries on, they just decompose."
I was horrified.
We agreed to disagree, he didn't think it was anything that going to put me out in the eyes of the Lord, ya know?
I want to post about our Christmas Tree - and our trees past... but I don't have the energy tonight. There is a tiny, warm body waiting in my bed for "snuggles to sleep" and that is too good to pass up.
I never freeze my coffee. Your dog is fine, he has a fur coat. Your Pastor is so very wrong. And I cant wait to hear about your trees!
We freeze our flavored coffee that we sometimes mix with the regular stuff. Never had any problem. I am sure the fresh stuff is better though.
Doggies don't go to heaven? I am sure all the dogs out there would disagree.
Pete probably had an awesome day! And that is a GORGEOUS picture of him!
I too used to freeze our coffee, then for a while it was refrigerated, and now it sits in the top of the coffee pot in the "to be grinded" section - out of the fridge out of the freezer - tastes the same.....whatever. The dog - well, he looks like he is plenty warm enough with all that fur....he probably has a blast!
I recently found that out about coffee, too. As an Italian Roast Starbucks fan who is to lazy to grind her own, I buy it pre-ground and keep it in a stainless steel canister with a vacuum-sealed lid in the cabinet above the coffee. Seems to work pretty well, and always tastes great. LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of Pete. Truly.
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