Tomorrow is the first day of school. Tomorrow should have been the 6th day of school but, as you may have noticed, Irene had other plans.
So, tomorrow I will put Abby on the bus and send her off to Kindergarten. She will be driven by Mrs. C, who she knows as Tyler's mom - not scary. And being that she is going to Afternoon Kindergarten the bus will have only other afternoon kindergartners on board. PM-K is good for so many reasons. Many of which I never considered and am now so grateful for. Not getting rushed in the morning and not having big kids on the morning bus are only 2 of those things that I never knew I would value so much.
Once I get Abby safely loaded onto the "D" I will then head up to Gilead with Wyatt loaded up in the Bu, ready for his first day of Pre-K.
He is very, very excited. If you ask him, he will carry on about playing with toys, being with his friends and Mommy dropping him off and leaving him with Mrs. Aubrey - but coming back to pick him up - but not staying with him.
The very thing that has him the most excited - Mommy dropping him off and leaving - is the very thing that leaves me without breath and very sweaty.
I have never left my baby boy anywhere - to do anything - without me.
Yes, he goes to "daycare" at the gym. It's never more than 2 hours and I am never more than a few feet away. And if he cried or needed me, they could get me within 2 minutes.
Once I drop him off tomorrow I have to Drive. Away. I won't see him or what he's doing. I won't hear the funny things he'll tell his teacher or the conversations he'll have with his little friends.
He will be on his own, in a group of his tiny little peers, all by himself. For the first time ever.
It's only 3 hours, 4 days a week. And I couldn't have asked for a better school or teacher. And Abby went to the same program for 2 years. I have nothing to fear. No legitimate concerns or issues.
I am just very, very attached to my baby boy.
I don't love him more than I loved his sister when I sent her off to Pre-K 2 years ago. I cried that day, too. But I didn't have this anxiety. My heart was not racing and my stomach did not feel feathery.
He is not less excited than she was. In fact, he might be more excited because he has been waiting and watching for 2 years and now it's his turn.
I am not worried or anxious for Abby to start Kindergarten. There are 14 kids in her class and her teacher is seasoned, kind and confident. I can't say more than what my first impression told me but I already like her. Abby would do well either way, though - that's her personality. I don't worry about the situation she is heading into, I know Abby will adapt and be awesome.
I will just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings. My friends tell me that by the end of the month I will be thanking the heavens that they leave me (almost) every day for a few hours. They tell me I won't know what to do with them over Christmas vacation or *sigh* summer vacation next year.
But I know I will know what to do. Enjoy, Every. Moment.
I will be in their classrooms. I will be on their field trips. I will be here when they get home and hear all about whatever they want to share with me.
My house will be decorated with artwork and projects.
And when they want to watch tv, I will happily turn it on because I will know that they have had full, productive days and deserve a little downtime.
I will make hot soups and crockpot dinners.
It's almost holiday season - ghosts, witches, pumpkins, mums and corn... followed by Santa and Angels and Christmas trees... followed by the lingering snowflakes and snowmen.. all homemade and full of glue and sparkles!
5 years ago
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