The little, day-to-day stuff that happens with Abby & Wyatt gets seen, laughed at and appreciated then forgotten. They are so funny and so cute and everything they do is a step closer to being the great big people they are going to be one day.
I like blogging the litte things so that we don't forget everything. I am with them all. the. time. So - sometimes I forget how cute they are when how annoying they can be is more at the forefront.
Today was a good day.
Today was a school day for Abby so we got up and out on time for school. Getting the 2 of them ready has gotten considerably easier. I set up their bathroom stuff, they brush & wash. We generally choose their clothes the night before and they dress themselves. Getting myself ready while watching them get ready, keeping them on track and possibly even showering is not
easy but it's not that hard, either. It just requires a bit more patience than morning usually presents me with.
After we dropped Abby off at school Wyatt and I went into town for a cup of coffee.
Ok, we drove up to Main Street and I got a coffee & a bagel from the DD Drive-Thru, he got hashbrowns.
We drove back down to school and went in for my first official PTA meeting. The PTA was good enough to host their meeting during the day while providing childcare for the little ones. I was so excited to attend my first official meeting and of course, I had plenty to "add". And of course, I got myself a job and volunteered for a committee.
I will be building a Facebook Page, and maybe a blogger page too, for the PTA. A way to keep everyone updated and plugged in. These days, all the moms have a FB account or are constantly on their Blackberries or whatever... so I will help the PTA connect with them when you know they're not reading every colored paper that their kids bring home every day. The kids bring so much home each day plus all the "school" stuff every Tuesday. Now multiply that by 2, 3 or 4 kids and add a full-time job on top of that. Not every mom gets as excited as I do for Tuesdays. And I'm guessing it will lose some of it's luster for me by grades 5 & 6.
By the time the meeting was over and I was done BS'ing with the other ladies I found myself standing inside Abby's school at 10:40, knowing that I have nothing to do until 11:20 when I am supposed to pick her up.
I didn't want to take her out early but I also didn't want to sit in the parking lot for 40 minutes and what was I going to do for 40 minutes to be back in time that wasn't a giant waste of energy?
So, Wyatt and I went into her class and were so graciously asked to stay for snack and story time. The day was almost over anyway and I know Abby's teacher well enough by now that if she did not want us there, she would have said so.
Parents are always welcome, little brothers... not so much. But Wyatt settles right in (this was not his first visit, lucky little bugger!). All the kids know him and want to sit with him and play with him.
He listened very quietly as one of the teachers read a Clifford story and when it was snack time Mrs. Monarca set him up with a water and a little bag of pretzels.
Wyatt wants, so badly, to go to school with his Thomas backpack and pack a snack.
He has a few friends in Abby's class. They're little and they're only 21 months apart so sharing friends comes pretty easily at this point. Plus, our playdates are almost always sibling-fests as so many of their friends are close in age, as well.
Mitchell is Abby's "boyfriend" even though as far as Wyatt's concerned Mitchell is
his boyfriend, too. Taylor has been Wyatt's little "girlfriend" since last September as her older sister was in Abbys pre-k last year and the 2 of them were always together when the older girls played.
I love thinking about all of these little friends going through the next 10 - 12 years together.
I do cringe when I think of them leaving the sweet, safe little nest that is Preschool, though. That's for another post, though.
When school was over we headed out to
BJ's. The kids were so good. They listened and used manners and stayed close to me and didn't beg and scream and cry for every candy, movie and toy they saw. In fact, we spent several minutes browsing through the DVDs and when I said it was time to move on, they moved on.
My kids are good, they're better than lots of kids, I'm sure. But they are 3 & 5 so to get them through a store, really - ANY store, without a fight is a more-than-pleasant surprise.
It did not go unrewarded.
When we passed the Monster Jam Hotwheels trucks, it was a no-brainer.
See, this past weekend Jay took the kids to see Monster Jam in Hartford and while we weren't sure if the noise and smell would send them out after 10 minutes, they fell head over heels in love with Monster Trucks, loud noises and doing cool stuff with Daddy.
The toys were necessary - it just made them so unbelievably happy. When I said "I will buy these for you if you promise to share with each other and with Daddy", Wyatt swore he would share and Abby stared at me, mouth wide open, shocked and said "We can
have them?!"
That proved 2 things to me 1) I have been sticking to my guns and not buying them stuff for no reason (as promised to my loving, hard-working husband!) and 2) my kids are not spoiled, stinking, assuming brats that demand toys from me.
It was so nice, I was so happy to buy the silly things.
But wait, there's more.
Wyatt insisted he would "set up a monster jam show". At first, i had no idea where he was going with this plan. The day was so nice and happy and my patience level was very high so I let it roll.
He proceeded to take every chair in the kitchen and set up an arena of sorts.
He went up to his room and brought down a bunch of regular sized cars and lined them up.
Then, the show began.
Of course, Abby wanted Monster Mutt all to herself and Wyatt kept telling her that it was his show. So, in my own selfish desire to keep the ever-lovin' peace, I suggested that maybe a few Barbies would like to be the audience.
That's when the shit really blew up.
I have never had that much fun in a messy, disorganized kitchen in my life.
My kids are awesome.
Dinner and bedtime were uneventful but I will leave you with this:
Cheeseball Diva in her new big girl room! |