So, June was a huge month for Wyatt.
Early in the month he started “crawling” - it was a shuffle-bump of sorts where he would get on hands and knees, thrust himself forward and then pull his knees up to his chest and thrust again. Inchworming, sort of but I prefer to call it “shuffle bump”
It’s July 9th now and he has the crawling thing down pat.
He also started pulling up in June. First to his knees but all the way up to his feet within a few days of that. Shortly following the pull-ups he was sitting on his own. He was already balancing in a sitting position if I put him there but between the crawling (shuffle bumping) and pulling up, he figured out how to get into the sitting position himself.

Then, right on his 8-month mark (June 15th) his first tooth popped through! It was not an easy journey – Wyatt is not a huge fan of teething. Chew toys, hard toys, cold washcloths, teething rings, popsicles – nothing worked. Tylenol helped but obviously, I can’t keep him doped up 24/7 so there were some rough times.
Now, July 9th, his 2nd tooth (the other bottom one) is “crowning”. It doesn’t seem as painful but it isn’t being ignored, either.
Within the past week or so, he is also waving. He gets incredibly excited when Dada gets home and he waves and hops and pants. He really loves seeing Dada.
He is eating just about everything. He has begun feeding himself. I cut up little bits of whatever we’re eating and he also likes to spoon feed himself though I cringe at the mess and lack of actual “eating”.
Abby is my brilliant, independent and super-social whirlwind.

She is a chatterbox from dawn to dusk, she never stops. She is full of energy, she runs (“I runnin!”), Hopscotches, skates and jumps all over the house. She is a big fan of releasing Wyatt’s grip on whatever he has pulled up on, wrapping things around his head or just generally kicking or stepping on him. I do my best to reprimand her without being mean or loud but I gotta say, that’s tough. I try to remind her that she loves him and she has to be gentle and loving. But she either doesn’t realize she is hurting him or just thinks it’s too funny to stop.
With his mobility I need to be paying more attention to him which takes the attention off of her. Thus, she attacks him for my attention plus he annoys her. So, I can see they Why’s, I just need to figure out the How’s, as in “how” to stop her and still make her feel loved and content.
Whatever - any way you look at it, we got a great thing going.